Taylor Swift Loves Guns For Her Multi-Million Dollar Security Team. For You and Me, Not So Much.
Taylor Swift has gotten a lot of publicity with her much publicized romance with the KC Chiefs’ tight end Travis […]
Taylor Swift has gotten a lot of publicity with her much publicized romance with the KC Chiefs’ tight end Travis […]
We go along, day after day, year after year, and then something happens to us that changes our perspective. I
Eleven years ago, on January 25, 2013, then Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel came out in opposition to allowing a Chick-fil-A
Poor Arthur Clinton. The Brooksville, Florida Man™ has made a lot of poor life decisions. As a guy who allegedly
About six years ago, the Effingham County Board in Illinois passed a “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolution. Shortly after that,
You don’t find much chastity at a whorehouse, nor do you find much integrity in the Biden Administration. The brain
When seconds count, police are (usually) just minutes away. So imagine waiting fifteen minutes for a police response after
We all have people who love us. People who depend upon us and who need us. We owe it to
In the end, [Martin Luther King’s campaign for equal rights] worked because the world saw the civil rights protesters
The anti-gun crowd would love to believe that people who carry for personal defense are blood-thirsty killers, or people who “wish a motherf— would”. But, in the words of Harold Fish, a man who got run through the criminal justice meatgrinder in Arizona a few years ago, “It’s not the ultimate big game tag” to shoot a fellow human being.