Why the Corporate Media Simply Loves Candidate Kamala’s Radical Anti-Gun Track Record

Kamala Harris

When Kamala Harris ran for president in 2020, she called for a mandatory buyback of “assault weapons.” That’s political-speak for a compulsory confiscation of personal property by armed agents of the government.  The media never pressed Harris about the details, such as how she planned to define “assault weapons,” how she intended to get around […]

Please Keep Kamala’s Secret Service Detail in Your Thoughts and Prayers

Secret Service Kamala Harris

Imagine you’re a young guy who wants to get into law enforcement. But not just any kind of law enforcement. Nobody thinks traffic cops are cool. So you go to college, study hard, get that degree, and then apply for a job with the United States Secret Service. Then you get the job that not […]

Kamala’s Track Record on Gun Rights is No Laughing Matter

Kamala Harris

Joe Biden lied about guns, Second Amendment rights and nearly everything else so often that even his staunchest supporters stopped taking him seriously. The country’s 46th President beclowned himself with his own falsehoods.  Biden was a classic fabulist. He invented stories and assigned himself the starring role. Whether he was singlehandedly confronting hunters armed with […]

Candidate Kamala Harris Owns the Biden Administration’s War on Guns Track Record

Kamala Harris first speech C-SPAN

The forces pushing in on President Joe Biden, pushing him to quit the 2024 presidential campaign have won. Now all eyes and attention are turned toward Vice President Kamala Harris to pick up the torch. She’s the presumptive Democratic nominee until things are finalized at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month, but all signs […]

House Oversight Chairman Investigating White House Collusion in Chicago’s GLOCK Balk

White House south lawn

The head of the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee isn’t playing games when it comes to the White House avoiding answers to questions about potential collusion with antigun groups to target GLOCK, Inc., with a frivolous lawsuit. Last week, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-Ky.) fired off a letter in response to […]

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Finally Resigns

Kimberly Cheatle Secret Service

It takes a special kind of obtuse government employee thinking to wait until after you’ve been publicly pilloried by politicians from both parties before announcing your resignation. That, however, is exactly what Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has done. Yesterday, she delivered of the most disastrous performances before a congressional committee in the history of […]

Reality Check: Kamala Harris is Even More Anti-Gun Than Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has a simple message: We’re not waiting any longer. If Congress fails to send comprehensive gun safety legislation to Harris’ desk within her first 100 days as president – including universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and the repeal of the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer and dealer immunity bill – she will […]