Personal Defense Tip: Make Malfunction Clearing Part of Your Regular Range Routine

malfunction clearning drill range train

It seems as though almost everyone loves semi-auto pistols these days, particularly for self-defense applications. Greater carry capacity and faster, less complicated reloads have made them very appealing to average people defending themselves from bad people with evil in their hearts. Of course, Hollywood has done their part as well. If you doubt that, when […]

Gear Review: Kershaw Livewire Double Edge OTF Knife

Kershaw Livewire OTF Knife Review

I struck gold geographically when I bought property in Northwest Oregon. I’m remote enough that I don’t see people unless I want to, but close enough to towns to enjoy the amenities. Even more enjoyable from a gear reviewer’s perspective is the wealth of blade manufacturers located along the Columbia river. CRKT, Gerber, Benchmade, and […]

Shooting Straight: Ditch Your Home Defense Shotgun

wilson combat shotgun

Times change. That applies to more than the disturbing resurgence of 90s clothing or the way trucks are turning into glorified Tonka toys. Your home defense shotgun—the one that’s propped up near the front door or leaning against the wall by your bed—it’s time to get rid of it. Or, at least, store it properly […]

Henderson: ‘I Can’t Afford to Wait on the Police, so I Armed Myself’

black woman women gun owner range train

“I’m not telling people to go out and start spraying [bullets], that’s not what I’m telling people to do but we also have to be realistic about what we are up against,” [Keisha] Henderson said.  Safety concerns and what she says is a lack of action from the city is why she became a licensed […]

Sorry, Joe, Crime Isn’t Actually Down, It Just Isn’t Being Reported

In his State of the Union address this year, President Joe Biden proclaimed that “Americans deserve the freedom to be safe, and America is safer today than when I took office,” boasting that “[l]ast year, the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history, and violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than […]