Maine’s ‘Gun Safety Coalition’ Negligently Fires Musket During Gun Turn-In

Maine’s so-called “Gun Safety Coalition” claims it educates people on how to safely store a gun, among other things.  We all know their idea of “gun safety” is to disregard your personal safety and the proven benefits of firearm ownership by simply not having any guns around.  Nevertheless, they’re apparently experts in safe gun handling and […]

Gang Violence, Not Gun Violence: Akron Shooting Spree Sees 24 Wounded, 1 Dead

Gang violence, not “gun violence,” drives most violent crime across America. Along those lines, Akron police have made no arrests in the aftermath of a shooting spree in that city that wounded two dozen and left one dead. Interestingly, the mainstream media conveniently buried the “gang violence” angle. Even the New York Times briefly mentioned […]

Florida Sheriff Fires Trigger-Happy Deputy Who Killed USAF Airman

Remember that Florida Sheriff’s Department where a couple of their deputies shot up a police SUV early this year when they mistook the sound of an acorn striking the squad car for a gunshot? While that trigger-happy response thankfully resulted in no human fatalities, another incident by the same department left a US Air Force […]

China Shows Off Their Machine-Gun Toting Robodogs

bullpup robodog

What round does one employ to deal with rifle-toting robotic dogs? That’s now a question after China shows off their robotic military “dog” that sports a carbine rifle.  The armed “robodog” made its public appearance in Cambodia, a nation that doesn’t enjoy Second Amendment rights like the good old US of A. Should tyrannical authorities […]

Tucker Carlson: I Always Carry a Gun as a ‘Statement of Autonomy’

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson has come in for a lot of criticism in recent months, but he managed to hit the nail on the head about guns and gun rights at a recent event. A clip below shows Carlson saying he carries a gun “all the time.” When asked if he was carrying at that moment, his […]

GUN CONTROL FAIL: Attempted Assassination in Slovakia, Prison Break in France

What happens when you disarm the good people?  Criminal and terrorist bullies get to run roughshod over the little people.  Moreover, governments can turn tyrannical without too much fear from the general populace.  And the world gets to see high-profile crimes.  Like an attempted assassination in Slovakia and a violent prison transport breakout in France.  […]