GUN CONTROL FAIL: Attempted Assassination in Slovakia, Prison Break in France

What happens when you disarm the good people?  Criminal and terrorist bullies get to run roughshod over the little people.  Moreover, governments can turn tyrannical without too much fear from the general populace.  And the world gets to see high-profile crimes.  Like an attempted assassination in Slovakia and a violent prison transport breakout in France.  And that’s just in the last 24 hours.

In France, drug cartel thugs ambushed a prison transport taking their leader between prisons.  Two guards were murdered, and three more were critically wounded and left for dead.  The brazen attack happened at a toll booth station – almost like from the Godfather movie.

The AP has more:

A massive manhunt was underway in France on Wednesday for armed assailants who ambushed a prison convoy, killing two prison officers, seriously injuring three others and springing the inmate they were escorting. The prime minister vowed the gang would be caught, saying, “They will pay.”

“We are tracking you, we will find you and we will punish you,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said in parliament, to applause from lawmakers. “They will pay for what they have done.”

The escaped convict, Mohamed Amra, 30, has a long criminal record, with at least 13 convictions for robbery and other crimes, the first when he was just 15, prosecutors said.

Meanwhile in Slovakia, that country’s version of Donald Trump, Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot twice in an attempted assassination.  Fortunately it looks like he was only hit in the abdomen and wrist and is expected to survive.  From ZeroHedge:

Slovakia’s populist prime minister Robert Fico has been shot, according to breaking news reports, after which he was rushed to the hospital and appears to be aliveaccording to early reports. But some reports have listed his condition as “very serious” and that he had to be airlifted.

According to emerging details in The Associated Press, Fico “was injured in a shooting and taken to hospital. The incident took place in the town of Handlova, some 150 kilometers northeast of the capital, according to the news television station TA3.”

Fico hasn’t made a lot of friends in the globalist community.  He’s done his best to block illegal migrants from breaching his nation’s borders and also told the World Health Organization to buzz off.  Perhaps more significantly, he opposes Ukraine’s admission into NATO.


We wish PM Fico a speedy recovery.

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2 thoughts on “GUN CONTROL FAIL: Attempted Assassination in Slovakia, Prison Break in France”

  1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

    “The escaped convict, Mohamed Amra, 30, has a long criminal record, with at least 13 convictions for robbery and other crimes, the first when he was just 15, prosecutors said.”

    Somebody not good made a serious investment to spring that guy out… 🙁

    1. Likely a progressive prosecutor funded by George Soros. His tentacles are far reaching and deeply embedded all over the world. He has made his fortune by instigating chaos in countries in order to collapse their societies and destroy their economies.

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