A recent story about the spike in carry permit applications since Bruen perfectly fits the cycle we see happen whenever gun control laws are eased or eliminated. Every time a legislature considers repealing or reforming the law to better respect citizens’ rights, the usual red shirts (in both the literal and in the Star Trek sense) show up to screech about all of the blood that will be spilled as a result. When permitless carry is passed or courts strike down an unconstitutional gun law, all they can do is tear their hair and cry to any media that will listen about terrible the dire things are going to happen.
Strangely, though, none of that ever seems to happen. And New Jersey is a perfect example.
Let’s first talk about what triggered the usual deluge of doomsday predictions. Since the NYSRPA v Bruen decision, more than 41,000 people have applied for carry permits in the Garden State…people who couldn’t otherwise have gotten permits before. Specifics about the number of permits that the state has actually gotten around to issuing haven’t been released, but even if bureaucrats dragged their feet, that still means at least 10,000 more guns are now legally on the street in the state.
The surge in legal carry has also likely lead to many more people buying handguns to train with and carry, so even if all 41,000 people haven’t been issued licenses yet, we’re talking about tens of thousands more guns now in circulation that before Bruen.
Given the anti-gunners’ incessant predictions of doom, there should have been a huge wave of gun-related crimes sweeping the state. So let’s see what’s happened . . .
Instead of rivers of blood running in the streets, we find stories about how safe New Jersey is. In fact, it’s reportedly one of the safest states in the country now, with four towns listed as among America’s safest suburbs. Scrolling further down, I didn’t see any “gangland” style slayings, shootouts over parking spaces, schools full of dead children.
To be fair, New Jersey isn’t crime-free. No state is. With towns like Camden, Trenton and Paterson, the Garden State has its share of violent, gang- and drug-related crime (and political graft), just as any state does. But that’s totally independent of any legislation or court rulings. None the gun control laws passed in Trenton have the slightest effect on career recidivists, gang members and drug dealers.
So one again, it turns out that all of the hysterics on the part of the Gun Control Industry was nothing more than anti-gun fearmongering. None of it came to pass. Making it easier for law-abiding people to own and carry firearms does not, in fact, result in spikes in violent crime.
Still, there are enough gullible people out there that the res shirts and their pals in the press figure it’s worth ratcheting up predictions of doom and gloom every time things move in the right direction in terms of firearm freedom. The average person doesn’t pay enough attention to the news to know that the warnings have literally never come true anywhere that carry laws have been eased.
Maybe someone could upt together a PowerPoint presentation tracking all of the times these predictions of mass violence and chaos simply didn’t happen. Instead of letting anti-gun people run wild with their nonsense, the facts need to start being presented.
The numb skulls don’t accept the fact that the laws relative to pertmitless carry only pertain to good citizens.
Be careful: civilian disarmament activists could claim that New Jersey is so (allegedly) safe BECAUSE they had several decades of draconian laws prohibiting ownership and carrying of self-defense handguns.
Against that backdrop, civilian disarmament activists will claim that liberalized ownership and carry of self-defense handguns will now unravel all of that hard-earned “progress” from the past several decades.
To be completely fair, there probably will be a few instances of law-abiding morons with newly acquired carry permits who then shoot at shoplifters or some such stupidity. Of course the number of instances where carry permit holders use their handguns in righteous self-defense will far outnumber the minuscule number of times that permit holders do something stupid / illegal. Whether or not legacy media actually reports that is highly doubtful.
Regardless of how otherwise law-abiding people use handguns properly or improperly, our rights are not subject to claims of social utility. Consider another example: no matter how many arsonists use feminine hygiene products to start fires and kill however many tens of thousands of people in fires every year, we would never entertain bans on effective hygiene products. It is equally wrong to consider bans on effective self-defense, e.g. firearms.
Pro-tip: violent criminals who attack someone are not “one and done” violators–they will attack repeatedly until someone removes them from society. The key to minimizing violent crime therefore is minimizing the number of violent criminals among us–via incarceration AND permanent disability/death resulting from their victims’ righteous self-defense actions. Any guesses on a victim’s most effective means of self-defense? (Hint: firearms)
(Was this comment good or what? Maybe I should start freelance writing for websites like this!)
Please reply “yes” or “Hell Yes” if you liked the comment above by uncommon_sense.
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Oh, my reply is Hell Yes.
*Shia LaBeouf voice* DO IT!!
“Whether or not legacy media actually reports that is highly doubtful.”
Their reporting will only reflect the current narrative they’re pushing.
I bet Dan would be happy to publish some of your writing. It won’t pay much (or anything, at least initially), but it will be published writing you can point to to prove your writing chops. Maybe a new career awaits!
I hope Dan does writing contest with a gun as a prize as TTAG did a few times in years passed. It generated a *lot* of submissions that were eventually published TTAG articles, if I recall correctly.
(*Hint-hint*)… 😉
“The average person doesn’t pay enough attention to the news to know that the warnings have literally never come true…”
Now do Trump (and Trump supporters – half of the country) is a Nazi/worse than Hitler/dictator/h_o_m_o_phobe/Russian-colluding Putin puppet. Yet people still listen to these liars.
Sadly though, New Jersey still exists… sigh….
New Jersey–the “armpit” of the 50 United States.
“Sadly though, New Jersey still exists”
I have family I love that live in NJ…
“Every time a legislature considers repealing or reforming the law to better respect citizens’ rights, the usual red shirts (in both the literal and in the Star Trek sense) show up to screech about all of the blood that will be spilled as a result.”
That’s *exactly* what happened here in Florida in 1987 when shall-issue was being debated.
I distinctly recall one panicked ‘letter to the editor’ of my local fish-wrap predicting gun battles over parking spots in Wal-Mart parking lots. I think in the same letter they mentioned ‘streets running with rivers of blood’.
Of course, no such thing happened, and Florida followed the national decline in reduction of gun deaths of about 50 percent since then…
Geoff PR,
“I distinctly recall one panicked ‘letter to the editor’ of my local fish-wrap …”
Does that mean your local newspaper was a step up or a step down from birdcage liner status?
Whichever you personally find most malodorous… 😉
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