6 New Gun Control Bills Under Consideration as Washington Gives California a Run for Its Money

Welcome to Washington state
Washington should add a warning for gun owners to its welcome signs. (Bigstock)

The Evergreen State is getting a running start cracking down on lawful gun owners with a whole slew of new proposed gun control bills. It isn’t really surprising considering how extreme they’ve gotten in the past decade or so, but at this point it seems like they’re trying hard to give California a run for its money.

Here’s a quick breakdown of bills being proposed . . .

  • HB 1386 proposes a new tax on firearms and ammunition with a combined total taxation of approximately 33%.
  • HB 1163/SB 5140 proposes a permit system for firearms purchases, meaning people would have to submit fingerprints and submit proof of firearms training to obtain a permit-to-purchase.
  • HB 1152 is a safe storage bill with requirements for the storage of firearms in homes and vehicles that also has some verbiage that would require CPL (concealed pistol license) holders to have their license on them at all times as outlined by HB 1152 and supply it to law enforcement at any time, on demand.
  • SB 5099 would put far more pressure on FFLs, requiring state licensing that would be renewed annually with an entire laundry list of hoops to jump through.
  • HB 1132 restricts quantity and frequency of ammunition and firearms purchases. For example, no more than one firearms purchase/transfer per person per 30 day period and no more than 100 rounds of .50-caliber ammunition during a 30-day period. Other calibers are allowed at no more than 1000 rounds per 30-day period.
  • SB 5098 would restrict the “possession of weapons” in numerous locations including parks, playgrounds, zoos, transit stations, county fairgrounds, and the premises of state and local public buildings.

Speaking as someone who grew up in Washington State and is pleased to have gotten out, I’d advise current residents to strongly consider the same. There’s a lot to love about Washington, but it’s become an actively hostile environment for lawful gun owners with no change in sight.

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4 thoughts on “6 New Gun Control Bills Under Consideration as Washington Gives California a Run for Its Money”

  1. I am not in a position to leave WA, and yes, it sucks that it has become this, especially since SCOTUS seems disinclined to do anything about these clearly unconstitutional laws and the obvious flouting of their decisions, like Bruen.

    This state is beautiful and it used to be a pretty safe place for gun owners. I blame California.

    1. The blame falls on both the voters and non voters of Washington as well as those who choose to allow it to happen. Regardless of how they voted. 83 days.

  2. That bodes poorly for Washington State.

    My state, which used to be “meh” in terms of unconstitutional firearm laws, has steadily enacted more unconstitutional firearm laws and isn’t far behind. (Sadly, my state is actually a bit “ahead” of Washington State in some regards.)

    This is what the Democrat Party and Pr0gre$$ives are all about: anti-liberty. Vote accordingly.

  3. They gave you legal butt sex and drugs. They took fire fighting money and gave it to homosexual activists. And now they take your civil rights. Now what’s more important to you???
    People need to start being honest with themselves.

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