Review: Gun Curious, the Book You Need to Read

gun curious book cover

Aside from the catchy title and the admittedly marketing-savvy design on the cover, you might be wondering if a book about America’s gun culture from a Wake Forest sociologist is worth your time. Or maybe you aren’t wondering and hadn’t even heard of it until today. Whether you’re a voracious reader or prefer to browse […]

Shooting Straight: Quit Being a Fudd

Telling people to quit being Fudds isn’t the best way to make it happen, but sometimes it feels like the only option left. In case you’ve been living under a rock in the gun world, the term “Fudd” is meant to apply to gun owners who refuse to stop living in the past. They don’t […]

Start Here: 5 Versatile Carry Guns That Also Work for Home Defense

glock 43x with target

Carry gun selection is as individual a process as your fingerprint. There’s no such gun as a “best” carry gun or a one-size-fits-all pistol. Anyone who claims there is immediately discredits themselves. However, it’s true that some handguns are more ideal than others, and sometimes being steered in the right direction can help you find […]

Concealed Carry 101: The Other Gear You Need

taurus on bumper of truck

If the first rule of a gunfight is to have a gun, maybe the second should be to have the necessary accessories. That may sound a little odd, but you might be surprised just how vital certain carry gear can be. Concealed carry is about more than just holstering up and going about your day. […]

Shooting Straight: Ding Dong, is the NRA Dead?

i defend the nra banner

Some people just want to watch the gun world burn, and that sentiment isn’t limited only to those within the firearms industry or the gun world in general. At this point, the general vibe and feel around NRAAM 2024 has been hashed and re-hashed until the proverbial horse isn’t just dead, it’s been obliterated. So […]

Uvalde Parents Settle With City for $2 Million, File New Suit Against Texas DPS

Uvalde school shooting police response

No sooner had the city of Uvalde, Texas settled with the families of the victims of the 2022 Robb Elementary School murders — for $2 million — than the families announced they’d filed of a new lawsuit. This latest action is against the Texas Department of Public Safety, listing 92 individual troopers who opted to […]

Shooting Straight: It’s Time to Abolish the ATF

atf agents

The phrase “common sense gun laws” is uttered by politicians and those on the anti-gun side more times than we can count. It is, after all, a fantastic catch-all phrase that implies anyone who disagrees is a fool who, of course, possesses no common sense (and also wants children to die). Maybe one of the […]

Shooting Straight: Ditch Your Home Defense Shotgun

wilson combat shotgun

Times change. That applies to more than the disturbing resurgence of 90s clothing or the way trucks are turning into glorified Tonka toys. Your home defense shotgun—the one that’s propped up near the front door or leaning against the wall by your bed—it’s time to get rid of it. Or, at least, store it properly […]

Shooting Straight: Open Carry Idiocy

open carry handgun

There always seems to be a lot of fuss over what may be considered the perfect everyday carry gun. The go-to gun tends to change over time, ranging from the GLOCK 26 to the Ruger LCP to the SIG P365. People tend to follow trends and gun guys are no different. Haven’t we all checked […]