‘Multiple Gunmen’ Open Fire Outside a Queens Nightclub Wounding At Least 10

At about 11:oo pm last night multiple gunmen opened fire outside a club in New York City wounding at least 10 people. This from NBC News New York:

At least 10 people were shot when three to four gunmen opened fire on a group standing outside a Queens nightclub where a private event was taking place Wednesday night, the New York Police Department said in an early morning press briefing Thursday.

All of the victims are reportedly expected to survive.

Authorities say that’s when three to four males, believed to be in their mid-to-late-teens to early 20s, walked up and opened fire on the group standing outside the club. About 30 shots were fired. At least 10 people were hit.

The NYPD announced that they have “zero tolerance for these senseless shootings,”  so that’s good to know. After the Bourbon Street attack and the car bombing in Las Vegas yesterday, it’s easy to see this as possibly another similar incident. Local police, however, are investigating the Queens shooting as gang-related and say “there is no nexus to terror.”

That, of course, was the same thing that the FBI initially had to say about a man in full battle gear mowing through a crowd in the French Quarter in a pickup truck while flying an ISIS flag so those who remain skeptical as to whether this may be somehow related can be forgiven until more is known about what actually happened.

And as SNW contributor Kostas Moros wrote, the gunmen in Queens had help . . .

While details are unknown, one thing is certain. Whatever the motivation of the shooter(s), he/they had accomplices who will go unpunished: the state of New York and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

Following Bruen, New York threw a tantrum by trying to destroy the right to carry through banning carry almost everywhere relevant, even for those with a CCW permit. One of the categories of places banned is any business that serves alcohol, even if you are not drinking. …

“Sensitive places” laws disarm good people and are a big help to the deranged criminals and mass murderers looking for a soft target. New York and the Second Circuit’s hatred of the Second Amendment will have a growing bodycount.

The Supreme Court needs to end its cowardice and more aggressively intervene to smack down errant circuit courts.

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5 thoughts on “‘Multiple Gunmen’ Open Fire Outside a Queens Nightclub Wounding At Least 10”

      1. Pretty much, for silliness I did have a look at how long a ride from NOLA to NYC (20ish hours) to when the group planting explosives was on camera vs when this went down. Theoretically enough time to get there and set up but it would be pushing the limits of possiblity with keeping a team on task even with being able to sleep in shifts.

        1. About Those Four Individuals Allegedly Planting Explosives Around the French Quarter.

          h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2025/01/02/about-those-four-individuals-allegedly-planting-explosives-around-the-french-quarter-n2649868


          FBI rules out involvement of 3 men, 1 woman allegedly seen planting IEDs around New Orleans near terror attack.

          Federal authorities have since ruled out their involvement in the attack but still suggested that terror suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, was not ‘solely responsible’ for the carnage.

          h ttps://nypost.com/2025/01/01/us-news/fbi-hunts-terror-cell-in-new-orleans-after-shamsud-din-jabbar-ramming-attack-as-3-men-1-woman-seen-planting-ieds-around-city/

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