Florida Sheriff’s Advice for Would Be Home Invaders: Expect to Be Shot

Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells
Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells (Courtesy Fox News)

Twenty-three-year-old Jorge Nestevan Flores-Toledo, a Mexican immigrant, won’t be attempting to invade homes in Florida any more. His partner in crime, 39-year-old Chilean illegal Michel Soto-Mella, will, one would think, soon be on a plane back to his native country (although that may have to wait until after January 20). The two broke into a Manatee County, Florida home this week and, well, they chose poorly.

According to Fox News . . .

Just after 9 p.m. Thursday, the Manatee County homeowner saw the two men entering the back of his house on his video surveillance system, according to authorities.

“He knew something bad was about to happen and he didn’t stall,” MCSO Sheriff Rick Wells said during a press conference Friday. “He grabbed his firearm [and] told his wife to get into a safe spot.”

While Flores-Toledo was absorbing “several” bullets, Soto-Mela took off into the night, but deputies using dogs ran him down a few blocks away. Meanwhile, Flores-Toledo was transported to a local hospital where he assumed ambient temperature Friday morning.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Wells had these words of wisdom for aspiring home invaders in the Sunshine State . . .

“This is the state of Florida,” Wells said. “If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”

The late, not-so-great Jorge Nestevan Flores-Toledo

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that the late, not-so-great Mr. Flores-Toledo had a history of interactions with the criminal justice system.

Flores-Toledo, who also went by the name of Anibal Miller-Valencia, was arrested in Oak Brook, Illinois in 2023 and served four months in jail for residential burglary before being released on parole in November, according to authorities. He had an active warrant for a parole violation and was considered “armed and dangerous.”

Those interactions have now come to an end.

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