Ounce Pistol at SHOT Show: 10+1 Round Fold-Up CCW

This is not the first year for the Ounce pistol at SHOT Show, but I do believe it was my first time stumbling upon it. The little guy holds 10+1 rounds of 22 LR in a folding, semi-automatic package that weighs just 8.3 ounces fully loaded and is only 7/8-inch thick.

Unfolding the grip extends the barrel and presents a device that’s now generally recognizable as a pistol.

The Ounce’s magazine is uniquely located above the barrel.

Rounds are loaded into what looks like a little conveyor belt, angled both down and forwards.

You can see above how the barrel slides in and out of the frame as the grip is closed or opened.

Pretty darn thin little thing.

It still has a bit of a prototype feel to it but I do believe they have begun delivering units. The company recently moved from Washington to Oklahoma to find a more favorable manufacturing environment and should be back in production shortly. We’ll see if we can get our hands on a loaner for a full evaluation.

More info at www.ounceoz.com


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16 thoughts on “Ounce Pistol at SHOT Show: 10+1 Round Fold-Up CCW”

    1. Geoff "Ross is FREE!" PR

      “Imagine pulling that out against some gang banger with a switched Glock.”

      Quite true, but that’s not the target market.

      That gun is for *any* firepower in a non-permissive environment. Stick some masking tape on it, dirty it up a bit, and toss it in a toolbag or cluttered purse, and you’re golden.

      That’s the kind of gun where if the first round fires, its done it’s job for you.

      Honestly, this is motivating me to find a beater High-Standard over-under .22lr on Gunbroker. It’s just weird enough looking to fill that role.

      I wish them luck, but a functional and reliable semi-auto in a package that small is gonna be a tough hill to climb…

  1. Intriguing to say the least.

    Even if you consider such a platform to deliver nothing more than the equivalent of ice-pick wounds, it sure beats harsh words.

    1. I Haz A Question

      Those of you who have been on this site (and Dan’s previous stomping grounds TTAG) know my story of my former good friend who died of a single .22LR wound that hit him in a perfect spot. Shot placement, shot placement, shot placement. Don’t ever underestimate the potential of *any* cartridge. Sure, I’d rather have 10mm over anything else plus first draw on a baddie, but this little gun is not only better than nothing…it can be very effective in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.

  2. $899.00

    Ok, I’ve seen one of these, handled it and fired it. It’s a neat little thing, works as advertised, its novel. But the price is, well, its not all that making it worth the price when the same amount can be spent on a regular gun you might enjoy more.

    But…if ya got to just gotta have one…its uniqueness for what it is … if you’re into functional at-least-useful-in-some-way ‘gimmicks’ that will satisfy and probably not disappoint that urge and got the money then this is for you.

    1. Can take a lot of failed designs to get one that is great and advances some new manufacturing/technological/material field that creates further improvements elsewhere. But yes may not be this one even if the folding design is neat and smaller than I am used to seeing.

  3. Looking forward to the Ian McCollum review in five years after the company goes kaput. I remember seeing a couple videos he did of chain gun handguns, for lack of a better way to describe them.

  4. Go ahead and laugh and make gaff at the .22LR caliber all you want. But, if you ask A N Y E M T, what is the most deadliest round to be shot by, and they will all resoundingly nominate… the .22LR. More victims shot by a .22LR arrive at the ER DOA than any other caliber. And it is not B/C of it’s the most popular, or it’s weight or speed. It is because of how much it ricochets and rattles around in the chest/abdomen cavity before it stops, ripping thru anything it touches, more than any other round on the market!!! Stopping and take down power to equal 9mm or .45? No… But, if the intended target) is hit center mass, they will most likely die before the ambulance ever even arrives. And as a reminder… since more than 95% of all handgun incidences happen within 10′, I think the “Ounce Pistol” would get the job done well and should garner much more respect as an primary, alternate or backup CCP!

    1. I also noted… all the brass ejects thru the bottom of the grip. I like that! As always…. don’t litter, pick up your brass. 😉 And it is all lands right at your feet. You don’t have to go search a 100sq/ft area with a metal detector to find them. ‘Seconds may matter’

    2. Stress Relief Shooter

      Not an EMT, but as a long time career paramedic who has treated a number of gunshot wounds, I disagree strongly. The deadliest rounds I have encountered have all come from long guns, both rifle and shotgun. I have a pretty high save percentage on handgun rounds including multiple torso hits, but much less success with even single chest hits from hunting caliber rifles and shotguns. The 22 bouncing around thing is a myth.

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