Tim Walz Doesn’t Recognize Your Right to Own and Carry a Firearm

Tim Walz gun control
Governor Tim Walz, Democrat nominee for Vice President (Jeff Wheeler/Star Tribune via AP)

This idea that there is supremacy around your right to have and carry and wield, or whatever, at any given part of the day has never been part of what this country is. 

— Democrat Vice President Nominee Tim Walz


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5 thoughts on “Tim Walz Doesn’t Recognize Your Right to Own and Carry a Firearm”

  1. The perfect candidate for the stealth candidacy which is the the Donks. And half of the voting populace will line up to pull the lever for him and the ho.

  2. Perhaps he has this Country confused with certain Euro Countries?? Because my grasp of US history is far better than his, and that is INDEED what this Country is, and has been.
    We may therefore assume that Tim Walz believes that the phrase “the right of the People” as used in the 2nd Amendment is somehow different than when used in the 1st and 4th.
    Or, we may assume that he DOESN’T see it that way, and simply doesn’t recognize “the right of the people” at all!!!
    But I suspect he’s a closet fascist anyway.

  3. FormerParatrooper

    The leadership of the current Democratic Party know they are lying about these issues. They know their ardent supporters are historically ignorant and unmotivated to “fact check” the Party, so they continue to lie. The Republicans are not much better as they are trying to coexist with those who want them dead.

    These people don’t care for Country, Party or the People they despise all of it. They care only for power.

    Walz has earned his place in the cabal and is doing what comes natural for these people.

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