The media praetorian guard that has surrounded Kamala Harris in the last three weeks as she tries to run a campaign built on “joy” and good vibes, has worked overtime to erase policy positions she took and openly talked about four years ago during her disastrous run for the presidency in 2020.
Aside from ludicrously announcing (despite earlier reporting) that she was never the Biden-Harris administration’s point person on the border crisis, surrogates now also claim she’s changed her positions on hot-button issues like fracking, single-payer healthcare, the green “new deal” and more.
Among the issues her campaign claims she’s rethought is “assault weapons” confiscation. “I support a mandatory [gun] buyback program.”
— Kamala Harris pic.twitter.com/aty0rzV8XS
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 30, 2024
You may have heard her say “I support a mandatory buyback program,” also known as confiscation, but fact-checking sight PolitiFact is here to tell you not to believe your lying ears. In a stump speech, Donald Trump told the crowd that “She supports mandatory gun confiscation … She’s for taking away all of your guns.”
In 2019, Kamala Harris spoke in favor of “mandatory” programs to buy back assault weapons. As vice president, Harris has focused on other gun measures. She has not called for confiscating guns broadly. https://t.co/OypfHya4Ze
— PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) August 7, 2024
PolitiFact parsed Trump’s language and rates the claim that Harris wants to confiscate guns as “mostly false.”
The phrase “gun confiscation” is broad and could lead voters to think that Harris wants to confiscate all guns from law-abiding owners. That’s not what she has said.
Further, those rights are constitutionally protected by the Second Amendment. In the U.S. gun buybacks are programs organized by local police departments that voluntarily allow people to turn over their guns in exchange for something, such as a gift card.
While running in the presidential primary in 2019, the then-California senator said she supported a “mandatory gun buyback program” for assault weapons. It did not apply to all guns, and she no longer holds that position.
See the difference? She only wanted to grab some of the guns, not all of them. And she hasn’t mentioned that in a really long time.
So there you have it. A whitewashing job by PolitiFact in hopes that low information types will think the claim that Harris wants to confiscate Americans’ guns is just a bunch of the usual Trump hyperbole.
Virtually no one believes Harris has changed her position on any “progressive” hot-button issues like socialized medicine, banning fracking, or — of all things — gun control. As is true of all politicians, you can tell she’s lying because her lips are moving.
There’s also the fact that she hasn’t actually said — herself — that she’s changed any of these policy stances because she’s refused to put herself in front of anyone who might ask her a probing or hostile question that might be difficult to handle for someone who’ , in the words of CNN, “historically been more vulnerable than when delivering scripted speeches.”
The moral of this story: despite it being constitutionally problematic (to say the least), Harris is still 100% in favor of not only banning “assault weapons,” but — if she can somehow get away with it — confiscating the almost 30 million rifles that are currently owned through a mandatory “buyback”… no matter what the gaslighting media and dishonest “fact checkers” may claim now.
The media think that they have yet another “blank slate” (the first was Obama) onto which they can write their fervent wishes.
The bad news? Half of the electorate will believe the lies and vote for the manufactured candidate.
“What can be..”
Kamala wants to be the spokesmodel for the woke utopia…
“..Unburdened by what has been.”
…without any blame or association for the current disasters of the BIDEN/Harris administration, run by the deep state, guided by Obama
I might adjust the above to “guided by Obama, run by Pelosi”
If you’re holding an AR-15 and someone tries to take it, you should fear for your life and act accordingly…
“the claim that Harris wants to confiscate guns as “mostly false.”
“Mostly false” is that like being a little pregnant?
Breaking News.
Second court crushes Biden’s assault on AR-style pistols – Washington Examiner
I guess Kamala got tired of pretending and came out of the closet ’cause…Kamala Harris embraces ‘neighborly’ socialism with Tim Walz as running mate. > https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kamala-harris-embraces-neighborly-socialism-with-tim-walz-as-running-mate/ar-AA1ovQvX
The only true gun buyback is the CMP. We can buy back some of the arms our parents and grandparents bought by taxes and have them for ourselves.
Is it not strange with all the talk of weapons of war not belonging in civilian hands, AWB seem to allow M1903s, M1 Garands, M1911s and other weapons used in war?
The left wing and democrats are not even pretending any more. They are going full blown ‘marxist socialist’ then into communism (socialism and communism are two sides of the same coin) – and I’d like to remind those in the LGBTQ (and what ever letters/symbols I left out) communities that in marxist socialists regimes those ‘different’ (as in LGBTQ) are used to establish the regime then after its up and running they are ostracized and then treated by the government as ‘second class’ or are ‘eliminated’ at will by the government, yes they will eventually take your children away from you if you are ‘gay’.
“WOW: Tim Walz says you have NO RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH if the government deems it ‘misinformation.’
This guy’s a full blown communist!”
Dear shootingnewsweekly.com admin, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.