Why Do Gun-Grabbers Always Want to Ruin Thanksgiving by Arguing About Gun Control?

Every year it’s the same thing. “Progressive” political operations puts out talking points they expect their supporters to use to take down their allegedly ignorant right-leaning friends and relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table. This is almost exclusively a phenomenon of people on the left around the holidays. I rarely if ever see these articles pop up in the run-up to Thanksgiving intended for people on the right.

Do these people really fear having to deal with their conservative relatives that much? It’s like they’re preparing for war.

This year it’s the pinched scolds at Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown who are trying to equip their hordes of hoplophobic hangers-on with sure-fire zingers they can deploy if Uncle Jake makes the mistake of mentioning the election or the new duck gun he just bought while filling his plate with more mashed potatoes.

To utterly joyless Everytowners (and others just like them), I’d like to say…calm the hell down. If someone says something you disagree with at the Thanksgiving dinner table, you’ll be just fine.

Nevermind that most of the talking points Everytown has compiled this year are BS and about as useful as a stinking pile of Turkey turds. I think it’s a faux pas to bring up politics at all at a holiday dinner, but if someone else starts such a debate, this Everytown nonsense won’t begin to “win” the discussion.

Here’s an idea — whatever your political views may be on the election, gun rights, or anything else, let’s all just relax this year. Have yourself another helping of turkey, load up your plate with another heaping spoonful of stuffing (I like the in-the-bird kind best) and cover it all with some delicious gravy. There’s plenty of time to debate and argue all kinds of topics all throughout the year, but a get-together with friends and relatives for the best holiday on America’s calendar isn’t one of them.


Konstadinos Moros is an Associate Attorney with Michel & Associates, a law firm in Long Beach that regularly represents the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) in its litigation efforts to restore the Second Amendment in California. You can find him on his Twitter handle @MorosKostas. To donate to CRPA or become a member, visit https://crpa.org/.

This post was adapted by SNW from a tweet posted by Konstadinos Moros.

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13 thoughts on “Why Do Gun-Grabbers Always Want to Ruin Thanksgiving by Arguing About Gun Control?”

      1. Take our largest 6 cities, all of which have strict gun control laws (and are controlled by Democrats), out of the math and the US ranks in the bottom third of countries.

        1. Leave those cities in and we are still right at the median of the world.

          I looked up the UN Gun Homicide Statistics by Country some years ago, as well as more recently. Surprise: we are right in the middle. That’s why the pro-defenseless civilians crowd always choose to compare us to racially and ethnically far less diverse ‘developed countries.

  1. I thought the ljbs were all staying home this year to protest Trump voting family? So none of these stupid arguments should be happening.

  2. Wait a minute I thought the left was telling people to cut out family that voted for Trump. So, how can they talk about gun control?

  3. Gun control has been a loser issue since the Massacre of ‘96, and has been getting worse ever since as CCW laws and pro-gun court victories pile up year after year. So no, I don’t really mind if a loser political program continues to remind moderates of exactly how obnoxious its adherents are.

  4. I have yet to see a pro-civilian disarmament advocate explain why, if guns from other states are the reason Chicagoans are so violent, those other states aren’t even more violent than Chicago. After all, they don’t have to go nearly as far as Chicagoans to get their gats.

  5. Of course they fail to explain why gun crime in the states with more lax gun control laws aren’t as violent as their gun free paradise.

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