Does Collecting Firearms Really Make You a Likely Mass Shooter?

On Saturday a shooting took place at a suburban Detroit water park called the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad. A 42-year-old man with no prior criminal history opened fire, wounding nine people including two (an 8-year-old boy and a 39-year-old woman) who are still in critical condition. The shooter, Michael William Nash, then barricaded himself in […]

Anti-Gunners Re-Purpose the Same Old Hysterics Over Teacher Carry Legislation

Salt Lake Tribune teacher guns in schools cartoon

Question for legal experts: When armed teachers are *employees* of a school system who are granted permission to have guns inside their workplace by their employer, are their actions covered by the same laws as armed civilians in public spaces? Is the school/employer legally… — K-12 School Shooting Database (@K12ssdb) April 24, 2024 Yesterday, […]

A GOP Goal Should be an Optional Federal Concealed Carry Permit

concealed carry

We need to start demanding more from Republicans aside from just the judges they confirm. Otherwise, every Democrat administration will erode our right a little more each time, while we have to be satisfied with merely trying to preserve the status quo in Republican administrations. That’s why a priority of any future Republican president when […]

Let’s Look at Jason Kander’s Dishonest, Bad Faith Arguments About the PLCAA

Jason Kander

If I could change one gun law… #TikTok — Jason Kander (@JasonKander) February 15, 2024 Like a lot of people, Jason Kander felt compelled to issue a statement pontificating on the need for tighter restrictions on gun rights after the Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooting.  Hence the six-minute video, above. But some some […]

Let’s Be Honest About What Judge Benitez Ruled in Rhode v. Bonta

I don’t want to get into a whole kerfuffle with Pepperdine law professor Jake Charles, but the case about which he wrote in a recent tweet string is ours, the California Rifle & Pistol Association’s. You probably know it as Rhode v. Bonta. For one, the “innovation” in question here is California’s ammunition background check […]

Gavin Newsom Demagogues Judges Who Blocked California SB2 Concealed Carry Ban

Gavin Newsom angry

Last week, a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel blocked a stay of a lower court injunction that prevented California’s SB2 concealed carry ban law from being enforced. The law designated virtually every public space in the state a no-go zone, making lawful concealed carry all but impossible. Governor Gavin Newsom didn’t take the news […]