The Jolly Old Elf Has a Long Night Ahead of Him…It’s the Least You Can Do

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5 thoughts on “The Jolly Old Elf Has a Long Night Ahead of Him…It’s the Least You Can Do”

  1. Whiskey and ammo. Well, I’ll leave him a few shots of Woodford reserve.

    “Grandma got run over by a reindeer…..”

    1. Geoff " Jingle *this* " PR

      Maybe you will get some “Parts for a Mustang GT”. 😉

      We never did milk and cookies growing up, mom said just leave him a six-pack on ice.

      The next morning, a small blizzard of empty beer cans and toys!

      A Christmas miracle! 🙂

  2. “Cigareets and whuskey and wild wild women
    They’ll drive you crazy they’ll
    Drive you insane”

    But what a way to go!

    Age takes a toll:
    I never cared for smokes
    Drank too much whiskey
    Had my share of wild wild women
    I ain’t insane…………….yet
    But, the good times are over………….but not for good………

  3. REPORT: The latest on the Madison, WI …

    (note: but also in the video, start watching at 24:26for information on how the GVA and the other ‘data bases'[ and the media and anti-gun are lying about the number of school shootings to falsely inflate the numbers – hint: ~ 90% of those listed there was no school shooting and no gun was fired, for example there were not over 300 school shootings in 2024 has these lying sources claim).

    h ttps://

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