If you own a GLOCK, odds are good it’s a 9mm. And while we might like to stick to the usual capacities for everyday carry, sometimes it’s nice to amp things up with a larger capacity magazine (notice I didn’t say “high” capacity).
The latest mag from ETS promises that, plus the kind of rugged design and reliable feeding they’re known for. The ETS GLOCK 9mm magazine fits all double-stack 9mm GLOCKs and has a 31-round capacity. Let’s just say you won’t be needing nearly so many mag changes.

This is a translucent magazine which has the added bonus of making it easy to visually confirm ammo (at least a guesstimate). Being see-through doesn’t make it a weaker mag body by any means, in fact, ETS makes some majorly tough magazines. Let’s just say I’ve tried to crush and torture them, and they withstand it all.
Things you might want to know, aside from the fact this mag increases capacity nicely. Thanks to the mag’s construction, it weighs significantly less than standard GLOCK mags. It’s made for what ETS calls Extreme Impact Resistance, and if it’s anything like their other translucent mags, it’ll deliver on that durability promise. The floor plate is ergonomically designed to facilitate rapid mag changes, but it’s also easy to remove and compatible with most aftermarket GLOCK floor plates. That means you can do what you want if you feel the need to swap it out.
Here’s why I’ve historically liked using ETS mags, aside from the fact I can drive my truck over them and have them survive: they load smoothly and feed reliably. Some mags have so much tension in the springs that they’re flat painful to load (this is when we say things like “just need to break in that spring”). While ETS does use stout springs, they somehow hit just the right combination for tension and give.
MSRP $23.25. Check them out on the ETS site here.
25 bucks is reasonable, I’ll try one out…
Because everyone has a G18, amirite? (eyeroll)
The weight of 31 rds is no small matter, and the mag latch inside the grip has to deal with it. I have 25-rd Magpuls that are fun range items, and I certainly am in favor of a free market and a person’s liberty to buy/own whatever they want, but a “fun stick” is pretty much just that. But then, I suppose I’m speaking from a California-based POV, since G18s are prohibido here and we all have semi-auto G17s.
Actually, G18’s are prohibido throughout the US unless you are mil/LE or have the appropriate SOT . . . they came out after the Hughes Amendment, and as a result there are none on the registry.
I agree with you that for a handgun, other than as a range toy it’s useless. But for a PCC that takes Glock mags, it would definitely be worthwhile.
Not sure why there was no mention of PCCs here, this is the realistic application for extendo glockish mags in the real grown up world.