Narrative Fail: Gun Control Group’s Study Finds Gun Owners Are More Satisfied With Their Penis Size

Tom Garrahan penis cartoon
Fake news (courtesy Tom Garrahan)

Men who are satisfied with their penises are more likely to own guns, according to a study that’s challenging the “psychosexual theory” of gun ownership in America.

The association between penis size and gun ownership has been a hot topic in popular culture, the hypothesis being that men with smaller penises are more likely to own guns of any size than men with larger penises to compensate, consciously or not, for any perceived shortcomings.

The new study is being described as the first to formally test whether size matters in gun ownership, based on a national sample of American men.

The researchers observed that “men who are less (their emphasis) dissatisfied with the size of their penises were more likely to personally own guns across outcomes, including any gun ownership, military-style rifle ownership and total number of guns owned.”

The study, published in the American Journal of Men’s Health, was supported by funding from Change the Ref, a charity and activist group that promotes gun control across the U.S.

Men who own guns are packing, actually, says study

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23 thoughts on “Narrative Fail: Gun Control Group’s Study Finds Gun Owners Are More Satisfied With Their Penis Size”

  1. Ya’ll know the “psychosexual theory” of gun ownership in America and/or how penis size relates to gun ownership – is a made up thing, right?

    This is why this ‘psychology’ can be flip-flopped back and forth like they have done here …. there is no actual correlation, they are making it up using a false logic basis of correlation = causation.

        1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

          ‘The Daily Show’ had a *sweet* burn of Cackles last night in a comedy bit about all the presidents at Carter’s funeral :

          “She was flipping through that program like she expected to find 40 electoral votes in there”.

          Classic. Even the Leftist Scum ™ audience laughed… 😉

          h ttps://

      1. I’d have to see the actual study before drawing that conclusion. Even within his comment, he’s basically admitting (roid rage comment) that elevated estrogen levels in men usually means that they also have elevated testosterone levels. Sometimes adolescent boys develop breast tissue because the sudden spike in test levels (from puberty) also causes a sudden spike in estrogen levels.

        1. There were several listed in the thread (one of which I recognize) but it does track on a few of the third rail topics we see, identify patterns, and utterly ignore in reporting if we wish to be employable for the next few decades.

    1. Over time I do hope to get one along with one for 357 and 475 but these would fall under fun and far behind other priorities sadly.

    2. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “i like carbines in .44mag.”

      Stainless lever-actions in .44 mag are God’s chosen rifle… 😉

    3. Never had a .44mag carbine but have had carbines in various handgun calibers and enjoyed shooting all of them. Mostly 9mm, 10mm, .357mag …

  2. Left winger:
    “Support body positivity!”

    “You must physically and chemically alter your body so you can be your true self!”

    “Gun people have little peepees! Haha!”

    Typical incoherent left wingers…

  3. Does that mean guns are in fact effective psychological penis extenders?

    Or that men unsatisfied with their penis size are also less likely to purchase guns?


    It’s complicated, still.

    And funny.

  4. Okay, I don’t mean to brag, just tell the truth to illuminate any lefties out there. Back when I was dating I got in a scrap with a hard core gun grabbing lefty Karen, she tried to accuse me of compensating for a small penis, then her friend that I was dating told her the truth, that put an end to it. There was a British study on size a number of years ago, I placed in the top percentile for both dimensions, which did astound me, I missed out on a career, LOL! I used to have a lot of guns back in the day, sold most, gave some away, and just have a few left now. I’m also a Lifetime NRA member. So the left’s stupid ‘small penis’ accusation is just another lie, which is all they know how to do, but they’d know a thing about tiny guys, as lefty shemales are their dating pool.

  5. I find it repulsive that the activist Left is spending tax dollars (because make no mistake, most of their funding comes from our taxes) to attempt to fabricate “research” that sexually shames male gun owners.

    Have you seen any “research” in a similar vein like how women who vote for gun control tend to have huge vaginas? The “psychosexual theory” being of course that those women psychologically have a need to control everything around them because their big floppy vaginas are so out of control.

  6. When asked by a reporter how long a man’s penis should be, President Abraham Lincoln replied “long enough to reach his wife”.
    (Maybe I don’t have that exactly right, but you get the drift…)

    1. Follow up question…

      Are women who identify as “tranz men” more likely to buy guns compared to normal women? Also see p-e-n-i-s envy…

  7. Just don’t confuse well above average with being satisfied! Less dissatisfied maybe, but there is always room for more. I’m a solid 7.5 (my KelTec32 only counts as half a gun), and I don’t even have an AK yet. Definitely not satisfied.

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