We Can’t Have Metal Detectors in Schools Because That Would Be Racist…Or Something

Solomon Henderson
Nashville school shooting killer Solomon Henderson

The Nashville high school where a teen gunman killed a fellow student last week had no metal detectors — apparently because administrators think they could be racist.

A former board member told The Post that the misguided administrators are responsible for keeping them out even over many parents’ objections.

“I knew this day was gonna happen,” said Fran Bush, formerly a Metro Nashville Public Schools board member.

“I knew it was gonna happen just because it’s like a free open door, everybody coming in,” she said of the Tennessee district’s schools, including Antioch High, where 17-year-old shooter Solomon Henderson murdered a 16-year-old classmate Wednesday.

Bush, who served on the MNPS board from 2018 to 2022, said she pushed for metal detectors throughout her tenure but that district Director Adrienne Battle “didn’t want to hear it” — even as parents backed calls for metal detectors to keep their kids safe.

— Alex Oliveira in Nashville school where teen killed classmate had no metal detectors — apparently because administrators think they could be racist: ‘Bunch of bull’


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2 thoughts on “We Can’t Have Metal Detectors in Schools Because That Would Be Racist…Or Something”

  1. I always love these arguments.
    Metal detectors are racist.
    Locking up merchandise is racist.
    Bullet proof glass is racist.
    The Klan couldn’t come up with more racist reasoning if they tried yet it’s all the rage with the privileged white liberal set.
    Go figure.

  2. The Metro Nashville Public School board should be held accountable. Their wrong decision resulted in the loss of a human life and all because of their racist views. Metal detectors are not racist.

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