We all have people who love us. People who depend upon us and who need us. We owe it to them to be there for them. And we owe it to the people we owe money to, but that’s another issue entirely.
How do you best improve your likelihood of actually being there for them? Simple: ABC…always be carrying. And secondly, avoid naked lunatics in the great outdoors in sub-freezing temperatures.
You never want to forfeit you life because you left your GLOCK in your center console. Or worse yet, in the safe at home. You don’t want to see St. Peter at the pearly gates, only to have him shake his head and ask you, “Why? Why didn’t you have your carry gun on you that night you were delivering fire wood to those people in Fort Worth?”
Scotty Jackson had the misfortune of running into the wrong (naked) man as he was delivering fire wood ahead of the winter storm that hit most of the US last week.
“But it’s a naked man!” you say. “Where’s the danger in that?”
Let’s see. A naked man outside in freezing weather? Unless you’re on the set of an adult film production, that should be a clue to all good people to practice avoidance and de-escalation, as rapido as possible.
And if a 27-year-old named Chrisantus Omandi picks up a log from the pile of freshly stacked firewood, to treat him like a very potentially deadly threat.

A lot of people worry about their kids getting killed in a mass murder spree in schools. The truth is you or your kids are 2.5 times more likely to die from getting clubbed to death with a hammer or other blunt force object than becoming the a shooting fatality in or on their way to school.
If you see anyone acting outside of the baseline of normalcy in any given environment, they need extra scrutiny just in case things slide further sideways. Do your best to put distance and obstacles between you and the potential threat. That gives you time. Time gives you options and options mean safety.
Because if you ignore your intuition and common sense and dismiss a naked lunatic holding a log as “probably nothing” instead of like a potentially deadly threat, you might end up like Scotty Jackson did…dead. Killed by a lunatic with a hunk of firewood.

If there was ever a case of “it should have been a defensive gun use,” Scotty Jackson’s story should be on the shortlist.
From NBC5 DFW . . .
27-year-old Chrisantus Omondi is charged with murdering Scotty Jackson on Wendover Drive while Jackson was out delivering firewood before this week’s winter storm.
Kasey Deleon told NBC 5 that her father, Scotty Jackson, was crazy in a good way – an outgoing, hardworking man who chopped and delivered firewood in Fort Worth to earn extra money.
“He always told me, I just want to make sure everybody has firewood, they’re warm, their family’s not cold,” Deleon said.
With the forecast for the start of this week showing severe cold, Deleon said Jackson was out on Saturday night making last-minute deliveries.
She was supposed to give him a ride home, but she never heard from him, even into the next day.
“And then later that night my mom sent me an article and it said a delivery man killed, one injured and suspect in custody,” Deleon said.
What a terrible way to find out your father is gone. At the hands of a lunatic.
“As Scotty was handing me a piece of firewood and I was putting it into a wheelbarrow, as I turned to my left I just noticed this naked Black man just showed up out of nowhere,” the witness told NBC 5.
Fort Worth police identified the assailant as 27-year-old Chrisantus Omondi. The witness said Omondi was screaming and aggressive and shoved him to the ground.
“As I’m falling backward, I see he picks up a piece of firewood and hauls off and hits Scotty in the head,” the witness said.
The man told NBC 5 that Omondi hit him in the arm with firewood and started running after him.
“Looking back and realizing it as he’s chasing me, I’m staring death in the face,” the witness said. “This man is here now to kill both of us.”
Neither the homeowner nor Jackson had heaters on their person. In Texas of all places.

This would have been a lot better story if the headline read, “Firewood delivery guy shoots crazed naked man who attacked him with a log.”