Just a note to let you know that we’ll be doing some excavation, improvement and maintenance to the Shooting News Weekly site this weekend. You probably won’t see any evidence of this other than lighter than normal post activity. The goal is to improve SNW’s robustness, speed and visibility. Your patience, understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated. We’ll resume full normal post activity just as soon as we can.
In the mean time, get out there and send some rounds down range. It’ll do you good.
It is noticeably evident that many posted articles receive <10 and often no responses. Hopefully the renovation will improve the hits and comments.
Yesterday’s post about the full-auto case got nearly 30 responses, so this site isn’t being ignored
It’ll take time to grow…
Does the maintenance mean the ability to edit posts will be added?
Be still my beating (for now, anyways) beating heart!
Yeah Geoff that would be an excellent feature.
Guess what California TTAG’ers, your ammo background check fee is about to rise 500 percent, from 1 dollar, to 5 bucks!
My humblest apologies, SNW…
De nada.
That’s a mathematical increase of 400%, Geoff. 😉
Hopefully the comments section won’t be confusing when viewed on a phone, as happened when Dan’s previous site underwent an “overhaul” a while back. To this day, I continue to visit both sites on PC just so I can visually make sense of who is posting their replies to *whom*.
Making the article picture take up nigh the whole screen is not an improvement.
On the home page, That is.
Okay, now it’s better.