Candidate Kamala Harris Owns the Biden Administration’s War on Guns Track Record

Kamala Harris first speech C-SPAN

The forces pushing in on President Joe Biden, pushing him to quit the 2024 presidential campaign have won. Now all eyes and attention are turned toward Vice President Kamala Harris to pick up the torch. She’s the presumptive Democratic nominee until things are finalized at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month, but all signs […]

Gun Violence Archive Data Shows Violent Crime Has Skyrocketed Under Biden

Joe Biden flipflops on violent crime rates – sometimes they’re going up, sometimes they’re going down – depending on who is in the audience. He uses two vastly different data sources to create his mixed messages.  Biden cites FBI data when trying to convince voters that crime is not out of control, so they feel […]

Biden Forgets That Trump Banned Bump Stocks in New Anti-Gun Campaign Commercial

biden bump stocks

  “When Trump was president— children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden said in the ad. “He sided with the NRA, but I sided with you. I’ve expanded background checks, created an office of gun violence prevention, and now murder rates are […]

War on Guns: Biden Tries to Cut Public Lands Access for Hunting and Shooting…Again

President Joe Biden is determined to decimate the notion that responsible gun owners should be able to responsibly teach the next generation of outdoorsmen and women recreational target shooting. His latest scheme is to shutter 98.9 percent of the Sonoran Desert National Monument to recreational target shooting. The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finalized […]

Biden Threatens to Wage War on Law-Abiding Gun Owners…Again

Joe Biden angry gun sense university

Just hours after Hunter Biden was convicted on three counts of falsifying the background check form when he purchased a handgun, President Joe Biden, his father, delivered a speech demanding more gun control. President Biden spoke to Everytown for Gun Safety’s “Gun Sense University” in Washington, D.C., in a “rinse, lather, repeat,” performance of nearly every other […]

Gun Control is One of the Only Issues the Biden Campaign Thinks It Can Can Run On

Kamala Harris

Last Thursday, [Vice President Kamala] Harris helped lead a gathering of health care leaders that West Wing aides highlighted as the first such White House summit to discuss guns as a public health crisis. On Friday, she discussed guns with Students for Biden, continuing a theme of her recent speeches on college campuses around the […]

Biden Will Tell the Everytown Faithful That He’ll Ban ‘Assault Weapons’ Again

Biden angry speech Independence Hall Leni Riefenstahl

Biden is set to speak at Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund’s “Gun Sense University,” an annual conference bringing together gun violence survivors, volunteers and advocates for training on organizing efforts. Attendees will include volunteers from Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, two groups founded in the wake of major mass shootings in schools. The […]

Joe Biden Stands Behind Hunter’s Gun Rights, But Tramples Yours

President Joe Biden has stated his son “did nothing wrong,” yet Hunter Biden now is on trial for lying on a federal Form 4473 when he bought a Colt revolver in 2018, and then committing the second crime of being a drug addict in possession of a firearm. “Joe evidently wants to protect his son’s […]