DGU Chronicles: Learning From the Mistakes of Others

I’m forced to keep track of defense gun uses and firearm-related accidents as part of my job. I keep an eye out for issues that become “learning moments” for me as well as for others. One way to do that is to subscribe to blogs, news aggregators and to follow people who, like me, see […]

It’s the Same Everywhere…No One is Coming to Save You

“I’m not a fortune teller – I never know when I will be attacked,”…YouTube content creator [Penson Mlotshwa] told the BBC. “Unfortunately, I’ve had to use my gun multiple times to protect myself,” he sighs, explaining how a man wanting his wallet pulled a knife on him after dinner one night. He drew his gun […]

Self Defense: 15-Year-Old Kills Father After He’d Shot at His Mother

A man with murderous intent tried to kill his wife in Rock Cave, West Virginia last week. He might have also been after his sons as well. While the wife and son #1 fled the home after dear ol’ dad fired a shot at the wife with a 12-gauge shotgun, son #2 grabbed his 20-gauge […]

Washington Post Journalist Discovers the Value of Armed Self-Defense

A journalist confessed he was “glad” to have a gun after waking up to an intruder in his Washington, D.C. home late one evening. “Here’s the thing: I keep coming back to that moment when I stood less than six feet from that man, holding the loaded revolver at my side, not knowing what he might […]

Act Accordingly: Even If They Can, Police Have No Duty to Protect You

It is a myth that police have a constitutional duty to protect you. It has been firmly established by the Supreme Court of the United States that police have no such duty. More than 800 police officers were on duty at the recent Kansas City, Missouri Super Bowl parade and surrounding areas, both on the […]

Armed Self-Defense Skills are Simple, Difficult and Necessary

Woman gun range training practice

We go along, day after day, year after year, and then something happens to us that changes our perspective. I was talking to a young man not long after I wrote about armed defense. Each of the ordinary stories I covered included an advanced self-defense skill. The young man said he wanted to make his […]

Texas Man Kills Step-Father in Self-Defense, Cops Show Up 15 Minutes Later

nightstand gun

  When seconds count, police are (usually) just minutes away. So imagine waiting fifteen minutes for a police response after a self-defense shooting. According to police, that’s exactly happened in rural Lampasas County, Texas on Thursday. The evidence shows that a 28-year-old man shot and killed his step-father after the older man showed up with […]