Buying and owning a suppressor is easier right now that it’s been in recent memory. There are scores of great cans made by a wide range of makers for any firearm and use you can think of. Maybe best of all, the average number of days you have to wait for tax stamp approval from our overlords at ATF is now routinely measured In the single digits.
But the industry — the people who make and sell suppressors — is looking for your input into the process and what you’re looking for when you buy a can. They’ve come up with a brief online survey they’d like you to take to help in that process. I’ve taken it myself and you can complete it in under five minutes.

Your identity will not be recorded and your individual response will never be shared with anyone. You will not be contacted by anyone as a result of answering this survey. The results will be used to understand how to better serve firearm owners and to help defend our Second Amendment freedoms.
It’s quick, easy, and painless. You take the survey by clicking here. Thanks!
I took the survey.
To everyone who does not already have a suppressor, go buy at least one so that we can elevate these to the nebulous quasi-legal threshold of “in common use”.
If you cannot afford $1,100+ for a centerfire rated suppressor plus tax stamp plus thread adapters, at least purchase an inexpensive rimfire rated suppressor which are available for around $550 including the tax stamp.
22lr cans are 1/2 that price. And they bring ginormous smiles with them.
Just Sayin,
.22LR suppressors are about $320 on average. The tax stamp is $200. And Silencer Shop charges $25 to use their kiosk (which takes your finger prints), generate your trust documents, generate your ATF Form 4 electronic filing, and pay your $200 to the ATF.
Thus, $320 + $200 + $25 == $545.
And I rounded up to $550 because Silencer Shop adds on the credit card company processing fee (rightly so in my opinion) on the $200 tax stamp expense. (You pay for the $200 tax stamp with your credit card when you are going through the process at Silencer Shop.)
Summary: it will cost most people very close to $550 in total cash outlay to purchase a .22LR suppressor via a single item trust through Silencer Shop, which I highly recommend.
Since I haven’t bought a suppressor, I can’t take the survey.
I will buy a supressor when I can fill out a 4473 and walk out with it.
Or….do away will all the paperwork since it’s not a firearm.
But that’s just me.
“I will buy a supressor when I can fill out a 4473 and walk out with it.”
I understand and can emphasize with that attitude, but the paperwork ain’t going away for now, and it seems to me your position is a bit like cutting one’s nose off to spite one’s face.
Even more so with wait times now what they should have been all along, a few short days.
But that’s just me griping… 😉
Same. I refuse to buy just because our “overlords” have made things slightly less inconvenient while remaining just as unconstitutional…
Specialist38 and Doc Samson,
As Geoff PR stated, I empathize with your sentiment. I have the very same sentiment. That is why I refused to purchase any suppressors when I had to fill out a bunch of forms AND pay a $200 tax AND wait 15 months. All three of those in combination were the proverbial bridge-too-far for me.
Now that wait times are typically a few days, I decided that the following important reasons compelled me to pinch my nose and take the gut punch of having to file forms and pay a tax on a Constitutionally enumerated right:
1) Protecting me and my family’s hearing
2) Reducing recoil and making shooting more accurate and pleasant
3) Making recreational shooting pleasant for neighbors
4) Reducing my sonic signature if I end up in an end-of-the-world scenario
5) Bringing suppressors ever closer to “in common use” for future court cases
That last reason could be huge if it forms the basis for courts striking down suppressor laws which require prior approval and the $200 tax stamp. That is why I am appealing to everyone to at least purchase a rimfire suppressor. (Courts won’t care whether suppressors “in common use” are rated for rimfire versus centerfire calibers.) For about $550 you can have a suppressor AND build the foundation for repealing unconstitutional suppressor laws in the courts.
“For about $550 you can have a suppressor AND build the foundation for repealing unconstitutional suppressor laws in the courts.”
*Applause*… 🙂
I got kicked out too, likely because I’ve never bought a can. Funny way to drum up business.
“In the single digits.”
WHAT? When I got my most recent suppressor, the wait took over 11 months.
Added my 2c to the survey too.
“WHAT? When I got my most recent suppressor, the wait took over 11 months.”
H’mm, odd.
Was your form 4 individual or a trust?
And how long ago was that, if you don’t mind?
Sorry, I was quite unclear. I’m not disputing the article’s wait times, I’m doing the old “back in my day” routine. So yeah, I bought one in Nov ’21, and it took until Oct ’22 before I could pick it up.
It was a trust.
I’m just shocked that wait times are so short now!
“I’m just shocked that wait times are so short now!”
I’ve been saying here, and in TTAG for about 12+ YEARS now, there is zero reason the wait has to be over a year before approval, as the damn government is so computerized.
I’m just glad it FINALLY came to pass…
This article is correct: our ATF overlords are approving Silencer Shop’s electronically filed “boiler plate” trusts for individual suppressors with a mean time of about 6 days.
For reference “mean” time means that they are approving 50% of submissions in less than 6 days and 50% of submissions in more than 6 days.
I purchased two suppressors in late July and hit a summer vacation “bubble”–it took ATF five weeks to approve mine. I just submitted another (hopefully my last!) on Tuesday of this week and expect approval within the next few days.
Very strange survey. I don’t qualify for this survey because I’m old, and I’ve bought too many toys in my life? Don’t have a suppressor because of all the hoops to jump through although have heard it was getting easier. Just don’t understand this survey that won’t let me complete it.
First two questions are year of birth and what state you live in. None of your business wasn’t on either so I answered 2023 and not a resident of the US. I am not allowed to complete survey. 🤣
So, I got dumped from the survey when I failed to check the box saying that I have bought a suppressor in the last ten years. You should have asked that question up front, not on the fifth screen of questions. Thsat’s some real douchebaggery right there. I won’t ever waste my time taking another of your fucking surveys again. FUCK YOU