Ever want a shooting gallery in your own backyard? Yeah, me too. Broken Bottle Arcade has a novel solution for everyone from the homeowner to the carnival.
Six-bottle BB target trap systems can be attached to each other to form longer, larger target racks. Backdrops and other accessories can increase safety and portability. Broken glass funnels down into a catch bin so you never have to touch it, and there are some built-in spinning and swinging targets as well.
Pricing starts at $2,195 and all of the packages include multiple lever-action Marlin BB rifles, BBs, safety gear, and more.
Looks like fun! More info at Broken Bottle Arcade’s website HERE.
$2,195 WHAT???!!!
LoL 🤣
that’s what I thought too.
This looks like it’s aimed at commercial users but this does give me some ideas for a project…my granddaughters will be just about the right age to get some air rifle training in the spring.
backyard facsimile is straightforward.
I think a tarp from Wal-Mart will pretty much equal that monstrosity, and save me 2 freaking thousand bucks…
When I was little & in Cub Scouts, they taught us how to make BB target traps for shooting indoors.
[Shooting indoors is for steel BBs only. Nothing lead-based.]
– Larger cardboard box.
– Completely fill the cardboard box with newspapers (if anyone remembers those) on end.
– Put target on front of box.
– Enjoy shooting activities indoors.
The steel BBs can be recovered & reused but it’s best to do that outdoors as the papers start to get pretty shredded after a while and make one heck of a mess when you pull them out. (Don’t ask me how I know…)
bbs ricochet, and tear up good rifled pellet barrels.
we always shoot lead pellets indoors.
they’re not creating vapor/ dust at 1000fps.