Facing rising crime including car thefts, the Toronto Police are trying to help families come up with ways to improve safety. But, one of their tips is rightfully getting all of the criticism and mockery it deserves. And more.
"Toronto Police advise the public to reduce the risk of home invasions aimed at car theft by placing their key fobs near the front door. This strategy is suggested because culprits are primarily entering homes to access cars, not to steal other items." ππ½ pic.twitter.com/7TjMILu43d
— Shazi (@ShaziGoalie) March 14, 2024
Some of the things they’re doing make sense. They’re handing out doorstops that families can put in front of their doors to make it harder to kick them in. They’re handing out key fob Faraday bags that can prevent technically adept electronic thieves from stealing your car. They’re recommending better hinges on doors. They’re recommending things like cameras and not posting things on social media that could attract thieves.
All good advice that anyone can take advantage of.
But one thing they suggest reeks of giving the thieves exactly what they want: a recommendation to put your key fobs for your vehicles near the front door so that thieves who kick their way in won’t feel the need to come further into your home and attack you and your family. The chief even warns that thieves are armed, so giving them the keys the easy way is probably safer than making them come to your bedroom for them.
This brings up some obvious problems. For one, not all thieves are after your car keys. Some might grab the keys and then start looking for other valuables, including those in your bedroom, regardless of how easily available the keys were.
Some thieves like attacking and abusing people in the process of stealing things, and might beat you up or kill you just for the thrill of it. Some people coming into your home at night aren’t thieves at all. The whole point of the home invasion is to rape or kill the occupants. Or worse, the point may even be to abduct someone for a ransom.
But Canada’s government thinks gun crime will skyrocket if citizens are allowed to defend themselves with guns in their own homes. So instead, they give this kind of idiotic advice rather than let people think it’s okay to defend themselves.
There’s just one problem with that argument: About 190 miles away, across Lake Erie, crime continued to drop last year after Ohio enacted constitutional carry, removing all permitting requirements for people who can otherwise lawfully possess a firearm. (Yes, I know the thumbnail below shows a terrible grip.)
Instead of experiencing the massive rise in firearm-related crime that anti-gun groups predicted, nearly all of Ohio is seeing exactly the opposite. The inconvenient truth is crime is going down under permitless carry. Ohio families don’t have to keep their guns locked away with the ammo stored separately in a safe. They don’t have to ask the government for permission to own or carry a firearm.
Canada isn’t that different from the United States. The language (mostly), culture, and almost everything else stays about the same when you cross the border at Niagara Falls or Windsor or take the ferry to Pelee Island. Some Canadians like to think they’re more civilized, but civilization doesn’t flourish when the worst among us can harm others at will without meaningful resistance from good people.
As Jeff Cooper said, “Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud.” While he went on to say that the rifle is the queen of those weapons, that doesn’t do you much good when the queen — or her mounties — won’t let you use that rifle in self defense in your own home and won’t let you have a handgun for situations where rifles aren’t appropriate.
Hmmmm…..I work regularly with 17 Canadian residents (remote work). None of them own firearms, nor do they want to. On the other hand, probably a third of the USA citizens I work with own firearms. Of course, this is not a scientific survey, but those folk North of the border just don’t seem as concerned with self-defense. It seems to me, that there is a correlation between comprehensive national health care and a passivity regarding self defense.
With a tyrant running the federal government, criminals are not the only threat to their safety.
Those, no matter where they live, may feel safe and that is great until something bad happens.
When and after something bad happens they may feel nothing at all.
Logic should tell any person that being prepared is the best chance one has of surviving.
There are no 100% guarantees, but not being properly prepared is a guarantee that survival chances are greatly reduced.
Oh! True not all break and enter crimes results in death or bodily injury, but is your life and physical well being worth the risk?
What do you think of those “There is nothing in this house worth dying for” signs. Do they invite break-in because in between the lines they say “Guns inside”?
LifeSavor, I see “There is noting in this house worth dying for” signs as a warning to those considering entrance as an unwelcome guest.
In between the lines should be understood by the bad guys as breaking in here could be hazardous to my health.
And, the home owner is prepared to assist in my exit one way or the other. I used to have a displayed sign in my carport door that read, “Forget the Dog, Beware the Owner”. I have since taken that sign down since signs can invite trouble just as “No Guns/Weapons Allowed” signs invite the bad guys to enter and face little/no resistance. I do not desire to directly or indirectly invite any bad guys onto my property. Since bad guys don’t obey signs there is no reason to think they will obey signs warning them of the dangers that lie ahead. Some have stated that bad guys tend to not be to bright, so why take the chance by issuing an indirect invitation via a sign. Also, there are those out there who will challenge you to back up the sign.
Canadians deserve the tyranny…They allow. Just like in the United States.
“Toronto Police advise the public to reduce the risk of home invasions aimed at car theft by placing their key fobs near the front door. This strategy is suggested because culprits are primarily entering homes to access cars, not to steal other items.”
And if the thing they want to steal is the virginity of the 15 year-old girl sleeping in the bedroom down the hall from mom and dad’s room?
What do they suggest then? That the girl should just soil herself and hope the invader eventually leaves without cutting her throat to eliminate the chance she could be a witness against him?
Yes, that’s what they really want… π
How will insurance companies feel about this?
A recent comment from that other site:
The insurance lawyers claimed the truck owner was negligent in securing the vehicle keys and held up payment for over a year, causing untold lawyer expenses to my neighbor…
Has Toronto asked why crime is increasing? Shouldn’t you find out why it increased, and work on fixing that?