Authorities and the media are calling an 11-year-old young man a hero after he shot a domestic abuser who was strangling his pregnant mother. It happened in Charlotte, North Carolina late Wednesday at a hotel. A man who was known to the woman broke into the family’s room around 11pm and began battering and then strangling the pregnant 27-year-old mom.
Her son, seeing the attack in progress, then grabbed a gun and shot her attacker, ending the assault.
An 11 year old hero! Click below for the full story. @Queen_City_News https://t.co/DVCFDdCfFv pic.twitter.com/EIUVxjsLAx
— Jason Harper Queen City News (@JasonHarperTV) March 15, 2024
Queen City News has more details:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police say an 11-year-old boy shot a man to defend his pregnant mother against an attack from a hotel room intruder.
Police have warrants out for the suspect.
Investigators said he broke into a hotel room and started attacking a pregnant mother when her young son stepped in and shot him.
According to CMPD, the break-in and shooting happened late Wednesday, March 13, after 11 p.m. at the InTown Suites just off I-77 in west Charlotte.
Investigators said a man busted into a hotel room and started attacking the 27-year-old pregnant mom, leaving her with bruises and scratches.
Police said the woman knew her attacker, and it was a domestic violence situation.
Detectives said the woman’s 11-year-old son saw his mom getting attacked, and the young boy rushed in and shot the intruder.
The suspect and the pregnant woman were taken to the hospital.
Police said the young boy is not facing any charges.
An 11-year-old isn’t a young boy. Not any more. That’s a young man and this particular one is made of stout stuff. His mom gets a huge attagirl for raising a lion, not a sheep for a son.
Hopefully the young man won’t be too negatively impacted by the experience. In the meantime, does mom need another pistol?
Older than great homesteader William Nowlin was when wielded a brace of pistols to protect his mom and the family’s liquidated life savings on their trip to Michigan.