Let’s put aside the reality that [Kamala Harris’s] well-armed and taxpayer-funded security detail almost certainly would confront any would-be intruder long before he or she successfully broke into Harris’ home. For the millions of Americans who own firearms for self-defense, Harris’ quip about her quick draw was perhaps the most relatable sentence she’s ever uttered.
It took her almost no time to walk it back.
Harris immediately laughed and remarked that she “should not have” made the comment and her “staff could deal with that later.”
It was as though by declaring her willingness to use her right to keep and bear arms in lawful self-defense, Harris had committed an embarrassing gaffe that would need a subsequent PR spin to clean up.
Right on cue, one of Harris’ top advisers chimed in to insist that the vice president’s remark about shooting an intruder was merely “a joke.”
The problem is that exercising one’s right to armed self-defense against threats to life, liberty, and property isn’t a joke. It’s the whole point of the right to keep and bear arms.
Almost every major study has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to the most recent report on the subject by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2021, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the issue concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.
— Amy Swearer in Kamala Harris’ ‘Intruder’ Crack: Joke or Serious Comment on Self-Defense?
Either her gun is a token of her privileged status in a state with such harsh limits and restrictions to make exercising a right seem “special” and she doesn’t really care one bit about the right. Just happy to have the token.
Or, she, like so many other leftists, live in a state of perpetual shame for their humanity. A level of shame to rival the most pious of flagellants. Their men feel shame for finding women attractive or wanting to provide for a family. Their women feel shame for liking strong men or wanting to care for a family. Leftists, good leftists, are only allowed to accrue debt, hate themselves, proudly work a job until they die, kill their unborn so no human emotion gets in the way of their working then self-medicate themselves to death when their attractiveness hits the wall and their loneliness becomes unbearable. Any other activity is shameful to a good leftist.
Their men pretend to feel shame for finding women attractive. The outspoken “feminist” Democrat man in reality is getting the nanny pregnant on the side, smacking around their girlfriends, using a desk button to lock the office while coming on to coworkers, finger-ra-p-i-n-g* his staff against her will, and taking inappropriate showers with his daughter. If some man claims they’re a feminist or they cry about toxic masculinity, don’t walk away, run!
*avoiding potential moderation
The only gun she has is obviously a real Ghost gun…Because no on has ever seen it.
It’s a little past nine o’clock
the bad guy’s breaking in
K Harris says she has a Glock
and she’ll drop him on the spot
I shouldn’t have said what I said
she said
but we know the truth
for it’s plain to see that she
believes in guns for me but not for thee