The prominent members of the Gun Control Industry paused this past weekend to observe the anniversary of the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense shootings during rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin. While it may be surprising that they continue to lie about the facts and defame Rittenhouse three years later, keep in mind that these are anti-gun organizations, people who have never let facts get in the way of furthering their civilian disarmament agenda.

Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety claims that Rittenhouse wasn’t “held accountable” for killing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber before wounding Gaige Grosskreutz. That’s seems strange, because not only was he arrested, charged with multiple felony counts — including first degree homicide — and tried by a jury of his peers, but he was ultimately acquitted on all charges. If that’s not being “held accountable” for his actions, what is?
And then there’s the Brady version of what happened. They chose to mark the anniversary as so many have in the last three years…by painting Rittenhouse as a racist (a “white-supremacist” in their telling). Not only is there no evidence whatsoever that Rittenhouse is or ever has been a “white-supremacist,” but all three individuals he shot that night after being attacked (after first trying to flee) were white.
So these billionaire-backed operations are still openly lying about what happened in Kenosha. They’re also openly defaming Rittenhouse. For no apparent reason. Well, aside from the fact that the entire l’affair Rittenhouse was horribly inconvenient for them and a direct threat to their civilian disarmament narrative.
Think about it. He was legally carrying an AR-15 rifle that night. He was attacked by multiple individuals. He made every attempt to retreat…to avoid having to defend himself with his gun. But in the first instance he was cornered and in the second, he was set upon by one rioter who hit him in the head with a skateboard and another with a gun. Rittenhouse didn’t fire one unnecessary round while defending himself and he injured no one other than his attackers.
It was, in the end, a textbook case of armed self-defense. That’s obviously how the jury saw it as well.
And that’s why the gun control orgs can never let him go. They have to continue to lie about what he did, how he did it, and even what they think his motivations were. As prominent as the entire Rittenhouse shooting and trial were, none of it went their way. They have to do everything they can to ensure he doesn’t become an example for other individuals who might decide that armed self-defense makes sense, especially in a world with “progressive” prosecutors, zero bail laws, and a multi-tiered system of justice.
So he’ll probably continue to see these kinds of attacks launched at him every August from now unto eternity. I’ve met Rittenhouse a couple of times now and he seems to be dealing with that reality remarkably well. But that fact doesn’t make what the likes of Everytown and Brady are doing to him any less despicable or dishonest.
I should think that Rittenhouse could sue Brady for defamation.
Also, the “gun ad” is not a gun ad. It looks like a meme; maybe Brady assembled it themselves.
It’s all just communist Alinskyite propaganda. Trying to make Rittenhouse into a mini-Trump.
In a rational world Kyle protected himself from the group assault of deranged drugged-out lunatics.
In the leftists world Kyle is an oppressor who murdered the oppressed. The very fact that they attacked Kyle means they were oppressed because only oppression could drive somebody to act in such a way and it is therefore justified.
Commies are sick, sick people.
How awful. What pigs these folks are. “White supremacist”. Constantly stirring the racial pot. Ive never heard the slightest bit about KR being a white supremacist. And a white supremacist who murders white people? Wouldnt that be more in line with a black supremacist…
Anywho. The whole point i see in all of this is 1) dont riot without assuming that you may be dealt with..and 2) dont hit people with skateboards. (Especially if they have an AR15 slung)
“Wouldnt that be more in line with a black supremacist…”
Actually, there was a black supremacist who attacked Rittenhouse. You can see him in some of the pics. They dubbed him ‘jump kick’ guy. I forget his real name now, but while Rittenhouse was down after being attacked by the skate board guy, jump kick guy joins in and starts attacking Rittenhouse who did fire at him but missed some how.
OK, here is a pic of ‘jump kick guy’ attacking Rittenhouse, the media called him ‘jump kick man’, his name is Maurice Freeland. He approached the prosecution to testify in exchange for immunity for other charges, including a DUI, but they rejected the offer. He has a lengthy criminal history.
see also the guy with the skateboard, that’s Anthony Huber who got shot. After Freeland and Huber had approached for their attacks on RIttenhouse, Grosskreutz, who had already been following RIttenhouse around planning to get closer to shoot him, began approaching Rittenhouse with gun drawn to shoot him as he is down from the Freeland and Huber attacks. Grosskreutz is shot in the bicept. There’s a pic showing Grosskreutz with the gun in his hand, this is a pic of that > https://www.lawofficer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Screen-Shot-2021-11-13-at-10.35.40-AM-e1636821484982.png (there is a more clear pic but I can’t find it right now.)
This is a pic of Huber attacking RIttenhouse with the skateboard. The outcry from the anti-gun side at the time was ‘its only a skate board, not a deadly weapon, there was no reason to shoot Huber’, in fact the prosecution alluded to that sentiment during the trail trying to make it look like there was no danger to Rittenhouse thus no justification for self-defense – well, that sentiment is not true, its being used as a blunt object weapon to intentionally attack Rittenhouse, over 3,800 people daily in the U.S. are criminally attacked with blunt object weapons, some of those objects smaller and lighter than the Huber skateboard, the victims suffer very serious injury and some are killed.
Grosskreutz initially denied having a gun and planning to shoot Rittenhouse, was claiming he was acting as a ‘peace keeper’ like ‘medic’ at the riot and was only approaching Rittenhouse to offer help for his injuries. But some of that pic evidence the prosecution tried to hide was used to show Grosskreutz with his gun pointed at Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz broke down on the stand, crying, and admitted he was planning to shoot Rittenhouse and, basically without realizing it, substantiated that Rittenhouse was indeed acting in self-defense. The prosecution was trying to present a lie to the court by having Grosskreutz deny having a gun and claiming he was acting in a humanitarian manner. They had already turned down Freeland’s offer to testify for a deal, Huber and Rosenbaum were dead being shot in valid self-defense, that left Grosskreutz to testify and the prosecution falsely framed him as a victim but that didn’t stand up.
Prosecutors argued during the trial that these men attacking Rittenhouse were trying to stop an “active shooter” as Rittenhouse had already shot Rosenbaum in self defense. But the ‘stop the active shooter’ thing turned out to be not true.
Rittenhouse did indeed act in valid self-defense.
a more clear pic, although not ideal, of Grosskreutz aiming his gun at Kyle > https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.cyk6ZTXXbIwMmQ_J13d29QHaE8%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ec4bfd1dacfc370d6b2f991df07ecc5bfbe299bf3d1af8d844027b95c3b1a44e&ipo=images
and here is a pic of Grosskreutz still holding his gun after being shot, a gun Grosskreutz claimed he did not have (until he broke down an admitted it after the pics were introduced, the ones the prosecution tried to hide) and the prosecution tried to hide from the court by trying to exclude the videos and pics > https://www.sott.net/image/s29/581114/full/KyleMW.jpg
Its pretty clear the prosecution was intent upon lying, was staging a sham trial to imprison Kyle to serve an anti-gun agenda. Its pretty darn clear it was valid legal self defense, the jury saw through the smoke screen the prosecution put up to hide the truth… and when one of the prosecutions own witnesses basically admits the lie and that it was valid self defense … well yeah, a not guilty of the crimes accused by the prosecution. Why is this so difficult to understand for people.
Its Everytown and Brady, lie is what they do. Their whole organizations are based on lies, from the paid for biased studies to ‘experts’ they claim to the posts on social media and the numerous articles they pay journalists to write using the copy or wording they supply and everything before after and in between those. They hate anyone who isn’t them or will not bend to their will and wishes, they are literally hate-group’s blinded by their own hatred, and they feed on that hatred and want to infect as many as possible with it so they tell these types of lies and others to hit the emotional chords of fools willing to believe such lies.
Its obvious Rittenhouse is not a ‘white supremacist’.
Its obvious Rittenhouse acted in valid self-defense. The pictures and videos, especially the ones the prosecution tried to suppress but couldn’t, shows it was self-defense. Even one of the people he had to shoot in self-defense said he was going to shoot Rittenhouse and broke down on the stand and basically admitted that Rittenhouse was defending himself.
I’m thinking some of the reason Everytown and Brady are defaming him is to get him to sue them so they can re-hash this over again in court hoping to convince a jury or judge he is those things they falsely claim and that he did not act in self-defense and is liable.
Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender. Child molestation in Arizona. Some of the counts allege an@l rape and oral sex with minors, masturbating in front of a 15-year-old, distributing naked photos of a woman to a minor under age 18, and other similar offenses. There were five victims, all minor boys.He also had misdemeanor cases for battery with a domestic abuse modifier and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).
Huber was convicted of disorderly conduct in 2018 as a domestic abuse repeater. It was a misdemeanor. His most serious case came when he was found guilty of a felony for strangulation and suffocation, domestic abuse. He was also convicted in that case of felony false imprisonment with a dangerous weapon, domestic abuse.
Gaige Grosskreutz, has a criminal history in Wisconsin. He was convicted of a felony, but the felony was expunged.
His arrest and case history from the state Department of Justice is much longer than what you can currently find through online court records. It shows a string of dismissed cases and an expunged felony conviction from Waukesha County, Wisconsin.
These are the types of people Brady and anti rights people mourn and raise martyrdom for.
I was moderated. I pointed out the criminal histories of those who Kyle shot.
“But that fact doesn’t make what the likes of Everytown and Brady are doing to him any less despicable or dishonest.”
You misspelled “evil”.
Why? Because they can. They’re preaching to the choir. Talk to Dem voters. It’s shocking how ignorant they are.
Don’t forget that the POTUS also called him a white supremacist. KR needs better lawyers.
On two occasions, Biden made remarks or promoted a campaign advertisement that strongly suggested Rittenhouse was a white supremacist, or at least, closely associated with white supremacists and/or militia groups.
In one interview Biden said “Well look, I don’t know enough to know whether that 17-year-old kid — exactly what he did. But allegedly he’s part of a militia coming out of the state of Illinois.”
So yes, Biden did essentially falsely claim Kyle was a white supremacist.
I would have no problem on a jury believing that Biden intended such false claims to be belived as true to damage reputation. Not because its Kyle, but because its there in Bidens own words.
Seriously, this is the POTUS yet for some reason he’s pushing ‘suggestions’ and innuendo concerning untrue stuff that even he in his own words clsims he doesn’t really know anything about. The only reason to do that is because you intend a lie to be believed so you can damage a person’s reputation and want it to appear as though you were just ‘talking about it’ and didn’t intend harm to escape responsibility for intentionally damaging a person’s reputation.
What happened to TTAG? Their site is down this morning, yesterday the site had problems propagating through gateways. At first I thought it was a DDOS attack possible, or maybe their carrier was having an issue. But the site came back up and worked OK later. But this morning it can’t be reached at all, not even an indication of bad gateway or not propagating…the DNS record seems to be inactive (or in some cases depending on which source checked, no longer a valid dns). Just a ‘can’t be reached’ thing as if it was never there.
Was wondering about that myself .40…
ahhh.. they just came back up.
Well, still no evidence to the contrary that it’s always Opposite Day in Leftist Land.