Congratulations to America on, not just the victory of Donald J. Trump and his return to the White House, but for taking majority seats in both the US Senate and House of Representatives. Additionally, Republican Governors are the majority in the United States over Democrats, but that is more of a moral victory unless you happen to live in one of those states. If you live in a state ruled by a Democratic Socialist, you either need to work harder to evict them or move.
Now that my right arm is healing from the soreness of all the high-fives I gave and received on Wednesday November 6th, I can get to some writing and pontificating about the future of these United States.
It Ain’t Over
After the warm glow of victory has faded, we need to come to the mature realization that the enemies of freedom, both foreign and domestic, while disappointed, have not gone away. They will still have to be dealt with.
Back in 2000 when George W. Bush defeated the cry-baby Albert Gore and the remnants of the slimy Clinton regime were swept from the White House, an acquaintance of the Great One, Rush Limbaugh, told him, “Now that your guy is in, you’re going to be out of a job.” To which Rush offered, “You forget, when they are out of power, liberals become even more unhinged.” Those who are old enough will recall the bitter Clinton White House staffers prying all the “W” keys out of computer keyboards and committing other acts of vandalism to the tune of $15,000 in damage before they left. Yes, kids, that happened and it was well documented.
Did you notice how BLM and Antifa conveniently just went away after Sniffy Joe the Meat Puppet was installed? You see, those thugs were only needed when a Republican was in the White House. What plans does the deep state have for their paid protesters and other violent, useful idiots? Are they just waiting for a minority to be killed while attempting to murder a police officer? Remember, ARTR (Any Reason To Riot) is a very real thing.
Foreign Invaders
For over three years, the criminal regime of Biden/Harris has opened the floodgates for foreign invaders, not just from Mexico, but over 140 different countries, many of those openly hostile to us. Have no illusions, for every illegal invader who came here seeking “a better life” there were convicted thieves, rapists, drug-smugglers, murderers and members of known terrorist groups. The hyper-violent drug gangs from Venezuela are here and taking over apartment complexes and not just in Aurora, Colorado.
With the election of Donald Trump, the aforementioned hundreds of thousands of dangerous foreign nationals living in every major city in the United States are not just going to disappear and voluntarily remove themselves forthwith. As recently as October, an Afghan national was arrested for plotting an Election Day terror attack in the name of ISIS. Foreign invasion and the destruction that it has wreaked upon local economies is not something that can be fixed overnight.
Wasted Opportunities
One of the biggest problems with conservative voters is also what makes them conservative. They want to be left alone to lead their lives. They don’t have aspirations of controlling other people and so, more often than not, when their guy wins, conservative voters essentially check out for 4 years until the next big election.
What we should understand is that the otherside, the one who believes that the government is the solution to all their ills and provider of all their wants, never checks out. They immediately go on the attack. Look at the history of President Trump’s first term. The left did not accept defeat and chose to become bipartisan as they alway demand that we do, they went on attack, even if that meant lying and manufacturing evidence. The FBI was forced to admit that their investigation of Donald Trump was built upon lies.
My point here being, you cannot check out and become disinterested in politics for 4 years and then come back wondering how things got so screwed up. I’m not saying that you have to live your life in the political news, but you must be aware of what is going on and active.
Your elected representatives State and Federal, must be kept on notice that you are watching them and paying attention to their behavior. If they don’t represent you, fire them. You get to fire House Reps every 2 years.
Off the top of my head, I would advise you to write to both your US Senator and House Rep and tell them that you fully endorse the S 401 The Hearing Protection Act introduced by Senator Mike Crapo, R Idaho. The American Silencer Association (ASA) is now stronger and more active than they were even a few years ago and they seem to have some savvy guys leading them, but that cannot do it alone.
President Trump Can’t Fix Everything
President Trump cannot prevent blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. He cannot protect you from street crime, home invaders, and unhinged lunatics who might walk into your local church, mall, or grocery store. Preparation and preparedness still fall upon you.
You still need to train your mind and body. You still need to be vigilant and move further toward self-reliance or resilience, if you like that word better. It is still incumbent upon you to be sure that you are carrying the Fundamental Four on your person every time you step out of your front door.
No President, regardless of who they are or their party affiliation, is supposed to be your personal savior. The man in the White House is supposed to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. He is supposed to defend the liberty and rights of the people and secure the borders of the nation, not make your life comfortable or fix your personal problems. That manner of thinking is for the other side of the aisle.
Enjoy an adult beverage and have a cigar as you savor the miraculous victory that we have achieved over an evil and entrenched political machine, but know this as you do, it ain’t over.
Paul G. Markel is a combat decorated United States Marine veteran. He is also the founder of Student the Gun University and has been teaching Small Arms & Tactics to military personnel, police officers, and citizens for over three decades.
The republicans already won majority control of the Senate.
In the house race, presently:
Republicans have 211 seats
Democrats have 199
That places republicans 7 seats from keeping control of the house.
About 25 races have yet to be called for either party, votes are still being counted. Democrats lead in the vote count in 14 of those districts and Republicans in 11, which means the republicans are on track to keep the house majority (the republicans need 7 seats to maintain majority, the democrats need 19 seats to take the house majority) … unless Democrats take the lead in more seats for which there is a very slim possibility.
But really, do the democrats have a chance at taking the house?
I don’t think so presently, but time will tell. A slim possibility would be if suddenly in 19 of the 25 races left the democrats surged ahead to take the lead in ALL 19 instead of the 14 they have now with their lead … but I tend to think that’s not likely because Democrats only lead in 14 of the uncalled races and the republicans have a much less burden needing only 7 seats yet lead in 11 of those uncalled races. Gotta wait for them to be called though.
If republicans take the house majority, its going to mean that Trump will be working with a unified republican congress. It will make a lot of things a lot easier to do.
Amazing well said as always from The Professor.
“For over three years, the criminal regime of Biden/Harris has opened the floodgates for foreign invaders,…”
Now they are foreign friends.
The Leftist Scum ™ have been mass-importing Latinos, expecting them to dutifully vote Democrat.
Surprise! What I have predicted has come to pass, that they would start voting with US instead of THEM. I predicted it would take 1 or 2 election cycles to happen, and it very nearly happened this time. 45 percent of all Latino votes were for Trump, meaning the change is picking up speed. Next election, the majority will be on our side.
This means the Leftist Scum ™ will suddenly become cooperative on building Trump’s big, beautiful border wall… 🙂
Ooops, I was wrong –
45% of Latino men voted for Trump, 55% of Latinos overall voted for Trump.
It happened even faster than I predicted.
I just *love* it when I’m right! 😉
This means in the next major election, over 60% of Latinos could be voting for that hateful, racist Trump… 🙂
Where are you getting your information, Geoff? More Latino men than women voted for Trump. If only 45% of Latino men voted for Trump, then do you know how many Latino women it would take to pull the total Latino support to 55% for Trump? That doesn’t make sense. Besides, it has been reported that Harris got 56% of the total Latino support. You can’t expect to make realistic predictions with bad data. Illegal immigration is bad. Don’t encourage it because you think it will help us politically (it doesn’t do that either).
and… the election butt stomping continues, and not only crushing the political soul of the democrat party but grinding it to dust … as even more electoral college votes come in… presently (Nevada called for Trump with 6 electoral votes and goes red)…
Trump = 301
Harris = 226
The AP called it… declared Trump the winner in Nevada after discovering there were not enough uncounted ballots in the state’s strongest Democratic areas to overcome Trumps lead of 46,000-votes over Harris with 96% of votes counted.
Well said! This division will continue whether we like it or not.