The Hi-Point YC380 – Because Everyone Deserves a Gun They Can Afford

Allow me a moment, if you will. Back when I was a young man, if you wanted a “price point” or “inexpensive” semi-automatic handgun, you either bought a Raven, a Lorcin, or a Jennings in either .22 LR or .25 ACP. The .22 LR models were about as reliable as the weather. If you were […]

Personal Defense: What’s More Important, Body Armor or a Helmet?

Like most red-blooded American boys from Generation X, I was first introduced to the concept of personal body armor by my father. I was nine years old and my dad drove us to the local sporting goods store to buy an athletic supporter and cup so I could start Little League baseball the following week. […]

Pro Tip: Be Ready So You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Yet another bit of good news dropped this week. The government of Denmark has joined other European countries, such as Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia in advising its citizens to be prepared for a potential “hybrid war” with Russia. The Danes are once more citing the threat of cyberattacks against their infrastructure. Where have […]

Reality Check: Just Having a Gun Isn’t Enough in Today’s America

range train mindset

“Well, I have a gun, so I think I’m ready.” Such was the response of one gentleman during a recent group conversation regarding the potential for civil unrest, a la the summer of 2020 when America’s cities were burned in a “mostly peaceful” manner. Sadly, that’s not the first time I have heard such a […]

The Fighting Shotgun: A Tool for Professionals, Not Amateurs

In September of 2019, several armed men, dressed in black, broke into a home outside of Houston. One of the residents ran for cover and the other grabbed a shotgun and exchanged gunfire with the home invaders. The score of the encounter: one resident wounded, three felons DOA. Apparently the homeowner hadn’t read any articles […]

No, .22 Handguns Aren’t the Best Self-Defense Choice for the Weak and the Frail

range train guns save life

A quick check of the calendar reveals that this is actually 2024, not 1984. That being said, I see that some “firearms instructors” are still passing along advice that should have been put to bed forty years ago. Regarding today’s topic, the argument that “a .22 LR is a good self-defense choice for women with […]

DGU Files: Video Shows Indiana Man Attacked in His Own Driveway

A man in Indiana was out with his date when a red SUV followed him home. He gets out of his car, and the SUV slams into him. The Corvette owner quickly pulls his pistol and shoots the SUV driver who falls out of his own window, likely trying to get away from being shot. […]