The NRA is at the crossroads between opportunity and danger. Members are demanding change and the “Elect A New NRA” slate is prepared to be that change.
Members will receive their election ballots beginning this week in the centerfold of their NRA magazines. A slate of 28 reform candidates are running on a platform of integrity and transparency, attempting to replace the ‘old guard’ that enabled Wayne LaPierre and others to self-deal and undermine the confidence of members, resulting in millions of dollars in legal defense expenses, some of which has been recouped from Mr. LaPierre. This is a battle of the old guard and the reformers.
A total of 49 candidates are running for a seat on the Board this time around. Only 28 of the 49 are reform candidates in support of NRA 2.0. The NRA 2.0 slate is concerned with the status quo of the organization, and the internal issues that have impacted the mission, transparency, lawsuits and more.
The NRA should get back to its mission of creating and support shooting programs, furthering firearm safety and education, and competitive shooting. The NRA used to be the behemoth in the room, and it has slipped out of place. The infrastructure is there to build upon and now is the opportunity.
A full list of candidates and their extensive biographies and statements are available at
Signed ballots can be postmarked no later than April 6, 2025.
Theresa Inacker, an attorney and Second Amendment advocate, is a member of the US Supreme Court bar, the New Jersey delegate to Women for Gun Rights, and serves as the Communications Director for the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners.
Seriously, 28 people? Do they need all those people to run the NRA?
The Board of Directors currently consists of 76 members. Due to deaths and resignations, there are 28 open spots. The goal is to fill all 28 openings with reformers.
How much old poison still fills the top ranks, where decisions are made, who controls money spent from the WLP administration?
The NRA is like an old toothless dog…it should just be put down for it’s own good.
As a Benefactor member, I am happy that LaPierre is gone, and NRA is making the effort. Still waiting for transparency on executive compensation, and for the BOD to grow some testicular fortitude. More integrity needed. It shouldn’t have taken the courts to make it happen. Just finished my ballot.
Concerning the bill to eliminate the ATF. Think bigger. Call it the Second Amendment Restoration Act.
Abolish the ATFE.
Repeal the NFA of 1934, & the GCA of 1968.
Nationwide Constitutional Carry
Nationwide Castle doctrine
Nationwide “Stand your ground” doctrine