Be a Gun Hipster With Me: Shooting the Archon Type B



Combine unique looks, small production volume, and novel engineering and the result is bound to attract hipsters. In the case of the Archon Type B…gun hipsters. Like me, I suppose.

An evolution of the Arsenal Strike One, the Archon guns deliver one of the lowest bore axes (that’s the plural of “axis,” which I totally didn’t have to google just now) in the pistol world. This is accomplished primarily via a barrel that doesn’t tilt downward to unlock from the slide but, rather, moves only in a linear forward-backward fashion, allowing it to sit lower on top of the frame. Other components such as the firing pin block and sear system rotate horizontally instead of vertically, further reducing the height of the slide and slide components that are above the frame. Add a thin, pronounced beavertail into the mix and the result is the aforementioned really low bore axis.

All of this engineering is in pursuit of a gun that shoots super flat. Smart grip texture and a crisp, short trigger allow the Archon to also shoot super fast. If you’re worried about your ammo expenses, don’t buy this gun. It’s almost impossible to shoot the thing slowly. It’s like a Ferrari with a light switch for a gas pedal; you’re either not shooting it or you’re dumping rounds downrange.

Being called a “hipster” is almost as bad as getting accused of being a “journalist” or an “influencer,” but in this case the shame is worth it. Swallow your pride, be a hipster, and make space in your safe for an Archon Type B ‘cuz they shoot as fast and as cool as they look.


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