[P]olitical forces use the falsehood of the gun culture to stay in power. They are aided by gun manufacturers, lobbyists, and the culture warriors who abide in the gun mythos. These are formidable forces.
…Christian Nationalism, with its strong support for the Second Amendment, originates in white supremacy. Its supporters’ identification of Christianity with the use of guns defames the name of Christ. Just as the exaltation of guns is idolatry, so identifying gun rights with Christianity is taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Finally, we are desperate enough now to recognize that we cannot overcome this power on our own. I think that we must more often say out loud that our undue protection of gun rights is itself modern idolatry; that it is disordered and wrong. I think our faith leaders can raise awareness that exalting gun rights is wrong and needs correction. We need help from above.
I think we keep trying to require background checks, limit high capacity automatic weapons, require training, ban bump stocks, and so on, because we are drawn to truth and we want to honor it and challenge falsehood. This is stark. It is clear. It is to reject the gun culture with its roots in white supremacy and its opposition to the values of both testaments. So, occasionally discouraged as we may be, we need to keep trying. The alternative is to let the great falsehood triumph.
— Robert C. Steiner in Why we keep trying to reject gun culture
“Christian Nationalism, with its strong support for the Second Amendment, originates in white supremacy.”
100% lie.
Christian nationalism originates in the internal politics of society, such as legislating civil and criminal laws that reflect their view of Christianity and the role of religion/s in political and social life.
Its strong support for the Second Amendment originates from belief and fact that the second amendment is an unalienable right.
Neither of these, separately or together, originates in white supremacy.
Liberalism with it’s anti 2A ideology is rooted in Fascism…which is 100% true.
Mr Steiner the definition of self protection nor the right to so does not change through the centuries.
You must be in denial of the events that occurred in Europe during the WW2. WW2 alone should be
sufficient for any person to see the end results of “gun control”. Factor in Cambodia and even the
recent events in Israel and any fool should be able to foresee the end results of your “gun control”.
“It is to reject the gun culture with its roots in white supremacy”
100 % lie.
There is no ‘gun culture’ with roots in white supremacy.
If fact there really isn’t a ‘gun culture’ at all. People are free to exercise their unalienable 2A right or not. Even antigun people have that right, are they also part of the ‘gun culture’ and therefore white supremacist Christian nationalist as you claim?
The fact is this: people can choose to exercise their unalienable 2A right or not. Doing so does not make them a ‘gun culture’ or a white supremacist Christian nationalist.
Another fact: There is so much lie and false in this idiots missive of pure crap.
Correction for: “If fact there really isn’t a ‘gun culture’ at all.”
Should have been…
“In fact there really isn’t a ‘gun culture’ at all.”
Note: if you want though, you can use your unalienable first amendment right to call it an ‘unalienable rights culture’.
Ya know…that ‘unalienable rights culture’, the very one you partake in by exercising the first amendment, intended by our country founders and existed before our country existed.
“Its supporters’ identification of Christianity with the use of guns defames the name of Christ. Just as the exaltation of guns is idolatry, so identifying gun rights with Christianity is taking the Lord’s name in vain.”
two things are evident here: one, that left wing anti gun can not realize when they are being trolled, and the other that the left wing anti gun created this myth.
“I think we keep trying to require background checks, limit high capacity automatic weapons, require training, ban bump stocks, and so on, because we are drawn to truth and we want to honor it and challenge falsehood.”
Evidently you missed a few meetings. There is in reality no such thing as you claim. The left wing anti gun have even said as much their goal is the elimination of constitutional rights to make them ‘privileges’ subject to government control….or in other words Marxist soci- alism communism.
“It is to reject the gun culture with its roots in white supremacy and its opposition to the values of both testaments.”
Once again 100% lie. Already explained above in other posts.
“So, occasionally discouraged as we may be, we need to keep trying. The alternative is to let the great falsehood triumph.”
The reason you are “occasionally discouraged” and “need to keep trying”… is because you believe in your own lies. In short, overall, what you claim doesn’t exist in the context of your lies. What does exist is the rightful and just belief and fact that there are unalienable rights and ya just hate it that it does not fit into your false delusional view of Marxist soci- alism control and people simply refuse to bend to your will.
The only “great falsehood” here is you and those like you.
In other words he is a zealot and you can’t reason with zealots.
That…and mentally ill.
Ya know…that ‘unalienable rights culture’, the very one you partake in by exercising the first amendment, intended by our country founders and existed before our country existed.
*Nine* comments and counting?
Only 9?
Darn it… I prefer even numbers so this is 10.
“Its supporters’ identification of Christianity with the use of guns defames the name of Christ. Just as the exaltation of guns is idolatry, so identifying gun rights with Christianity is taking the Lord’s name in vain.”
There is no “identification of Christianity with the use of guns” actually, thats a contrived invented thing from anti-gun…there are Christians that own/use guns and they happen to ‘express’ it in some way.
“exaltation”? Really? Ya mean like the anti-gun sacrificing children on their cult alter of exaltation of ‘gun free zones’ with laws that essentially guarantee defenseless victims to mentally ill killers? That and others from the anti-gun cult religion of ‘gun control’ is ‘exaltation’ that not only offends the Lord he even said what’s going to happen to them…paraphrased in meaning.. .. its better they should tie a mill stone around their necks and cast their selves into the sea and just end their selves now and meet their eternal damnation instead of delaying meeting the eternal damnation and agony that awaits them for offending these children by offering them up as sacrifice to the anti-gun cult false idol of ‘gun control’ then, like you, claim its what the Lord wants thus taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Clarification for :”paraphrased in meaning.. ..”
paraphrased in meaning.. .. with the context of ‘gun control’ ‘gun free zones’
Pretty sure Steiner is a Jewish name, I have no interest in a jew lecturing about anything related to Christianity, or gun rights given their (the jews) tendencies to support gun control
Bla, Bla, Bla, we must defend Democracy. Says the group that is trying the hardest to rescind our God given rights and Constitutional freedoms. This guy should be tarred and feathered as a minimum.
I bet the Israelis wished they had our second amendment on 10/7….
Robert C. Steiner can kiss my ass, and then come and take what I have. Personally.
Steiner is just another illiterate parading as an intellectual.
People like him are the reason why we must print “open box before opening” on pizza boxes.