As we’ve pointed out before, those of us who care about our gun rights have a big problem heading into the election. There are a lot of hunters and gun owners in this country — an estimated 10 million — who aren’t registered to vote. And a significant number of them are located in key swing states that will decide elections in November.
In a breakdown by state, the data shows unregistered hunting and Second Amendment supporters total at least 515,277 in Pennsylvania. That number is closer to around 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. In addition, Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Virginia “all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners unregistered,” and in Arizona…that number totals approximately 133,000.
That’s why an operation called Shoot the Vote is working to make the 2024 election, in their words, too big to rig. As they point out on their web site . . .
Your grandfather didn’t sleep in a foxhole in a far away land clutching a picture of your Grandmother so you would surrender your guns.
The Shoot the Vote site provides links to make it simple to register, request an absentee ballot, or get involved in your state. The goal is to get as many hunters and gun owners out to the polls in what appears to be a toss-up election that will have an oversize effect on gun rights in America for years to come.
I keep seeing that number pushed: Did it in any way account for under 18s who own firearms?
“Proof reading” is your friend, Danny.
I’ve noticed that libertarians like to throw their vote away. I’ve also noticed that a lot of gun owners are libertarians. The Kyle Rittenhouse presidential endorsement incident didn’t happen in a vacuum.
Work for change, including the primaries, for 3.25 out of the 4 year presidential election cycle. The three-quarter of the remaining year should be spent backing the better of the two available options. I don’t care if you don’t like our system. It is what it is. If you’re throwing your vote away, in a race between a globalist puppet and Trump, in anything other than a deep blue or deep red state, then you have the mentality of a child.