For Cincinnati Police Chief Teresa Theetge, it’s a matter of setting the right example.
“We, (the) Cincinnati Police Department, city administration, do not want to be a part of the gun violence in our city,” she said. “We preach to people all the time about safe storage, be a responsible gun owner, and so that is incumbent upon us as wel.”
The department, under Theetge’s guidance, will end a gun buyback program it’s had in place with gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson. Now, instead of sending retired firearms back to the manufacturer — in exchange for new guns at a discount — CPD will destroy the weapons.
“Every five years, our officers receive a new firearm, and what we would normally do is work with our manufacturer … and sometimes do a one-for-one trade,” Thetgee said. “Doing the trade with the manufacturer was beneficial in a financial aspect for us.”
Cutting the program will cost CPD, since they have to pay full price for guns now.
It’s why the Cincinnati City Council approved the allocation of $500,000 from its carryover budget to the department.
“The accessibility of guns on our streets, both legal and illegal is contributing to the gun violence problem that we’re seeing in our community,” Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval said during the Oct. 9 meeting. “The idea that we would send service weapons back to the manufacturer so they could just sell them and get them back on the streets struck us as inconsistent with our goals.” …
“We want to do our part to make sure that we’re not adding to the volume of guns on the street,” Chief Thetgee said. “One of the things I started seeing were other agencies — large cities in the U.S. — that were doing (this) same thing
Theetge says it’s hard to measure what the impact will be but described the change as “optic.”
–Connor Steffen in CPD to Destroy Retired Police Weapons Instead of Trading Back to Gun Manufacturer
Trading fiscal responsibility for feelz. And not even feelz that accomplish anything. Incompetence at its … uh … best?
“Cincinnati PD Will Destroy Duty Guns Instead of Trading Them In to ‘Set the Right Example’”
So, the Cincinnati PD will destroy tax payer property and lose that value instead of using the guns as a trade in on new guns for better tax payer property value and use tax payer dollars to buy new guns at a higher price because no trade-in. Yeah, this is a law suit waiting to happen. This is intentional fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement and some fraud mixed in.
Wait, it gets better. If they want them fully destroyed, they’ll have to pay for it. Call it a woke tax. Insult to injury. Gunbusters will take them for free, but they destroy only the frame/receiver. The remaining parts are sold as parts kits at auction. Complete destruction is available, but for a fee.
And then there’s the five-finger discount thing…
Imagine blowing $500k of tax payer funds on virtue signalling and patting yourself on the back for it. Cincinnati voters should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this.
“Theetge says it’s hard to measure what the impact will be but described the change as “optic.””
In other words, measuring the impact is impossible and unrealistic; but, the change is clear to see that we are “doing something” that is meaningless. And we aren’t concerned about the cost that’s what taxes are for.
She isn’t even creative enough to come up with bad ideas on her own. She admits that she copied other Dims. The really sad part is that her electorate will eat this up, and she knows it. She’s blowing $500k of tax payer funds to help herself politically. That’s unethical in multiple ways, but that’s how those people roll.
Dude, half a million here and more poor spending coming, at that rate there won’t be a need to defund them, they will have done it to themselves.
Elect idiots and they will do idiotic things.
El – police chiefs are ‘appointed’ by da mayor of the city. If they were actually elected the voters would have some say in both the hiring and the retention of such virtue signaling individuals.
Connecticut refused to buy Glock back before they bought the P220 for this exact reason in 45; They did not want their tax payer funded guns being sold to law abiding people. Qualifications dropped because of equity/skill or lack there of. Fast forward, they are replacing them with G45s. Don’t know what has changed
“right example” eh – what it does show is fiscally irresponsible pandering. Prove me wrong.
A “good example” there Chief would be if you cops would disarm yourselves and get cop guns off the street. Otherwise, your position is utter hypocrisy.
Cincinnati Police Chief Teresa Theetge wants to set the right example? Well, from a fiscal responsibility point of view, this is a sterling example of financial stupidity. When I buy a new gun I don’t destroy whatever it replaces. Half a million dollars plus (as another commenter noted) could be used to feed the hungry, house the homeless, repair the streets, or, if she’s serious about fighting crime, hiring more officers.
I retired in 2018 and never heard this kind of drivel from any of our department higher ups or city councillors.
I believe Chief Theetge has revealed herself as grotesquely stupid.
Maybe they should destroy all of the cars they are retiring so no drunk driver will get it.
Stupid is as stupid does
What a moron lets destroy all of our firearms we what to replace .You know I am sick of the term ( gun violence) so how many of these trade in firearms that is bought by law abiding citizens is used in the so called gun violence? No it could be law breaking POS felons now could it . Call it what it is criminal POS like it always has been no lets put the blame on the firearms.God forbid you blame the criminal. Maybe we can leave twenty million more border jumping criminals in our country should help. Cincinnati home of the brain dead libtards.