“As a social scientist, my primary interest is to understand the role of guns in society. This includes the social causes and social consequences of gun ownership,” said study author Terrence D. Hill, a professor of sociology and demography at The University of Texas at San Antonio.
“There is a lot of speculation in society that men who have trouble with their penises (e.g., erection issues or smaller than desired penises) are more likely to own guns. This raises questions about the causes of gun ownership or which groups in society are more or less likely to own guns.” …
Penis size dissatisfaction was measured using a scale where respondents rated their satisfaction with their penis size when fully erect, and by noting whether they had ever used any methods for penis enlargement. Gun ownership was assessed through three questions: whether respondents owned any guns, whether they owned military-style rifles, and the total number of guns owned.
The data showed that 43% of men reported owning a gun, with 11% owning military-style rifles. Only 7% of men had attempted some form of penis enlargement.
The researchers discovered that men who were less dissatisfied with their penis size were actually more likely to own guns. Specifically, each unit increase in penis size dissatisfaction corresponded to an 11% decrease in the likelihood of owning any gun and a 20% decrease in the likelihood of owning a military-style rifle.
“Contrary to popular beliefs, our current study shows that men who are more satisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to personally own guns,” Hill told PsyPost. “Because there is no theory for why men with bigger penises would be more likely to own guns, we do not believe that this association is real. In other words, we believe that this association is likely spurious or due to factors that we failed to account for in our study.”
— Eric W. Dolan in Is penis size related to gun ownership? Here’s what the science says
(law abiding) men, no matter their penis size, who do not own and carry guns are more likely to be killed or seriously injured by a knife (or other weapon) wielding attacker.
Sounds like some have a penis fixation problem. I am 81 and never have given any thought as per penis size relative to guns. The only thing I have considered in the last year or so is to not carry appendix style. One woman upon seeing me naked asked, “who do you think is going to have fun with that”? To which I replied ME! Any man regardless of size can still have fun.
Tom Arnold on a SNL appearance said, “Roseanne said I had a small penis and I said even a 747 looks small in the Grand Canyon”
Well said sir. Pull the blinds and turn down the lights…….:)
So much for quality journalism.
“So much for quality journalism.”
Better that anything you ever wrote, jimmy.
If you can do better, submit it to SNW, the website manager will most likely be happy to publish it…
Ammosexuals never shoot blanks… 🙂
Actually, I think this most likely has more to do with those on the political right are more happy in general than those on the left…
Also people on the left trying to keep other lefties from leaving the plantation.
Lower levels of envy tends to be that way.