Unearthed Post-Heller Video Reveals the Real Kamala Harris

A recently unearthed video gives us some valuable insight into exactly who Kamala Harris is and what she really believes. The date was June 28, 2008 and anti-gun politicians were reeling from the announcement of the Supreme Court’s Heller decision guaranteeing an individual right to keep and bear arms. They could see what it meant for gun control laws on the books in cities all over the country and they weren’t happy about it.

Then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamal Harris took the podium at a press conference and reacted, in real time, to the decision. Among other things, she said this . . .

Yes it acknowledged that the Second Amendment is not an absolute right. Yes it acknowledged the Second Amendment is not without limitations. However, because of the way the language was used to uphold the Second Amendment as an individual right, the NRA and others will be attacking San Francisco with the belief that the Heller decision equips them with an argument to say that we should not keep guns in lockboxes.

They will use this decision to suggest we should not think about common sense regulation of guns in our community geared to keeping innocent people safe. And in that way, this United States Supreme Court decision is going to be manipulated to the advantage of those who can and will and have harmed others.

And I think it is reason for all of us to be concerned and to stand up and say that we will support regulation of guns when that regulation is reasonably associated with keeping our community safe. 

Notice how this Kamala Harris bears little resemblance to the person we’re seeing now on the campaign trail. She spoke off the cuff, without a teleprompter, and was far more articulate and self-assured than anything she displays now. There was none of the word salad she’s now known for.

That’s likely because that was the real Kamala Harris. She was expressing her true opinions on a subject about which she had actually thought. She’s wasn’t trying to pretend to be something she isn’t as she now does daily.

Note also that she took credit during that post-Heller press conference for rounding up a group of like-minded anti-gun District Attorneys from around the country. The filed a brief with the Supreme Court when Heller was being considered arguing that there was no individual right to keep and bear arms. 

It’s time for Harris to drop the charade. Stop claiming that ‘she’s a gun owner, too,’ someone who believes in the Second Amendment, only wants to ban “assault weapons,” and isn’t coming after Americans’ guns. She needs to stop pretending that she supports private ownership of handguns. As she said herself, her “values haven’t changed.” That’s one of the few true claims she’s made in the last sixty days.


Konstadinos Moros is an Associate Attorney with Michel & Associates, a law firm in Long Beach that regularly represents the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) in its litigation efforts to restore the Second Amendment in California. You can find him on his Twitter handle @MorosKostas. To donate to CRPA or become a member, visit https://crpa.org/.

This post was adapted by SNW from a tweet posted by Konstadinos Moros.

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4 thoughts on “Unearthed Post-Heller Video Reveals the Real Kamala Harris”

  1. T’was also 16 years ago – plenty of time to pickle yourself with any of a variety of methods.

    Personally, I think she’s been hittin’ the sauce really heavy since Biden picked her. Probably up to a handle a day of vodka or other hard stuff. Whenever we see her in an interview now, she doesn’t look like she wants to be there, and her responses… man, it’s actually almost painful.

    She doesn’t want to be in the spotlight, but she can’t back down. Her handlers… what would they do if she did?

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