Proposed SAGA Act Would Prevent Bans of Rifles and Shotguns

gun store long guns
Image: NSSF

The Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA Act) was introduced Wednesday by Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), who said, if passed, the law would protect the second amendment rights of US citizens.

The bill would ban states from prohibiting the sale, manufacturing, importation, or possession of any rifle or shotgun permitted under federal law. …

“The SAGA Act nullifies New York’s unconstitutional SAFE Act and prevents other states from enacting laws that violate the Second Amendment,” Tenney said in a statement. “This legislation upholds our country’s founding principle of protecting the rights of law-abiding Americans, even from liberal states with anti-gun policies,”

— George Gandy in Congresswoman Tenney Introduces Bill to Prevent States from Banning Certain Guns

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4 thoughts on “Proposed SAGA Act Would Prevent Bans of Rifles and Shotguns”

  1. It’s sad to me that the Second Amendment, written in plain and easy to understand language, needs an additional law to explain it to lawmakers.

    1. Bucephalus,

      Legislators have no trouble understanding the plain wording of the Second Amendment–they simply refuse to uphold it.

      This proposed law is less about “explaining” the Second Amendment and more about making state-level lawsuits a slam-dunk for plaintiffs if/when a state bans the specified firearms.

  2. Hmm if it passes may be the only way we will see short barreled rifles or shotguns (past the serbu super shorty which is a pistol to NY)

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