Gun Owners Across the Nation Prepare as Bloomberg’s Moms Vow to Join the Anti-Trump Resistance

Moms Demand Action Nicole Hollywood
Courtesy Nicole Hollywood via X

Moms Demand Action wrote on X, “Our army of over 10 million supporters are ready to fight like hell against President Trump and his lawmaker allies if they attempt to undo our progress or push legislation that would make us less safe. With the overwhelming majority of Americans who support strong gun safety laws behind us, we will win.”

Angela Ferrell-Zabala, the group’s executive director, said in a statement they were “crushed” by the election result, but added, “We’re going to continue to organize like our lives depend on it—because they do.”

Everytown for Gun Safety, which was formed following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, described the election result as “devastating.” But in a post on X, they went on to note, “Make no mistake: Trump’s extremist agenda is a danger for our nation, but it means we’ll double down on our efforts to protect our communities and continue to make progress, just like we did in 2016.”

— Oliver Willis in The fight is on: Progressive groups gear up for a second Trump term

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22 thoughts on “Gun Owners Across the Nation Prepare as Bloomberg’s Moms Vow to Join the Anti-Trump Resistance”

  1. Moms Demand Action are a bunch of women who need some hot action, if you know what I mean.
    Any volunteers?…………….for the record, not me.

  2. “Our army of over 10 million supporters are ready to fight like hell against President Trump and his lawmaker allies if they attempt to undo our progress or push legislation that would make us less safe. With the overwhelming majority of Americans who support strong gun safety laws behind us, we will win.”

    “”fight like hell against President Trump” – really?

    According to the democrat politicians own words and deeds and what they did to Trump, Moms Demand Action is fomenting insurrection and threatened the life of the President of the United States.

    Your “army” of “over 10 million supporters” – statistically judging from the voting patterns over half of them voted for Trump.

    “With the overwhelming majority of Americans who support strong gun safety laws behind us…”

    First there is no “overwhelming majority of Americans who support strong gun safety laws” – this election proved your BS as BS, the majority of Americas who voted, well, they voted for Trump who by the way already had “strong gun safety laws” under his previous administration and will again this time, he just didn’t have the laws you liked to violate the constitution and take guns from law abiding Americans.

    “if they attempt to undo our progress or push legislation that would make us less safe”

    Ya mean the millions of people lives saved annually by use of defensive gun use (DGU) don’t count as being made safe by a firearm? Why is it that you idiot mis-informed fanatics never ever celebrate the lives saved by defensive gun use, never even mention them. Are those lives not worth anything to you when you say you are about saving lives?

    Yes, your unconstitutional and back-door dealing and free-access interference in government will be undone – beginning with that illegally and unconstitutionally funded and established W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶H̶o̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶O̶f̶f̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶O̶f̶ ̶C̶o̶n̶s̶t̶i̶t̶u̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶R̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶ ̶A̶b̶o̶l̶i̶s̶h̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ‘White House Office Of Gun Violence Prevention’ – Trump is not going to make you ‘less safe’, law abiding gun owners are not going to make you ‘less safe’, you have made your selves less safe by ignoring the truth and the truth is a gun is the least likely thing to be used in an act of criminal violence and over 98% of your ‘army’ will in their lifetimes never encounter a gun being used in a criminal act and are more than 97% likely to encounter a non-firearm weapon used in a criminal act against them ’cause in reality a firearm is not a weapon likely to be used in criminal violence ’cause…

    The top weapons used in criminal violence in America” (in no particular order even though numbered):

    1. Knives (knives are a favorite with criminal attackers – ~1,600 violent criminal attacks daily across the United States use a knife)
    2. Other sharpened/edged weapons (i.e. ‘spear’ type, honed edged material for example a piece of hard plastic)
    3. Blunt objects (i.e. crowbars, bats, clubs, other handy object)
    4. Fire
    5. Chemicals (i.g. pepper spray, ammonia, poisons such as bleach and drain cleaner, acids).
    6. Hand/feet
    7. Blunt force trauma (i.e. thrown/dropped large/heavy objects, impact by car or motor-cycle or even bicycle)
    8. Over-whelming physical force (i.e. group/gang attack, much larger/stronger then victim like frequently used in rapes)
    9. Garden/lawn tools
    10. Drugs
    11. Ligature

    1. How big is the “overwhelming majority of Americans who support” gun-control “strong gun safety laws” and how popular are your gun-control ‘strong gun safety laws’ that you want? Well, lets see … according to the issues people used to decide their votes, according to the left wing gun-control friendly media, less than 1% (0.6% average) across all voters (i.e. independent, democrat, republican) considered your gun-control ‘strong gun safety laws’ as a deciding issue upon which to base their votes. Your claims of “overwhelming majority of Americans who support” your gun-control “strong gun safety laws” and an “army of over 10 million supporters” is BS.

      In popular vote, presently:

      Trump = 74,686,551 – the overwhelming majority of Americans clearly do not support your gun-control “strong gun safety laws”

      Harris = 70,964,692 – yeah, that Harris in charge of your darling W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶H̶o̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶O̶f̶f̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶O̶f̶ ̶C̶o̶n̶s̶t̶i̶t̶u̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶R̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶ ̶A̶b̶o̶l̶i̶s̶h̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ‘White House Office Of Gun Violence Prevention’, contriving to give you everything you asked for even staffing with gun-control idiot fanatics from your own anti-gun organization – it looks like the overwhelming majority of Americans clearly did not support your gun-control “strong gun safety laws” there either.

      Where was your “army of over 10 million supporters”? I’ll tell ya, statistically, judging from the voting patterns, over half of them voted for Trump. AND…there’s a good chance ~15% of them didn’t even vote and there’s a good chance that if they did vote that your gun-control “strong gun safety laws” were not at the fore front for a majority of them in their decision for a candidate.

      1. .40,

        Yes, we are the majority, by far. But an army of terrorists and fighting age foreign nationals have been ushered into this country. Sleeper cells? Maybe. But Trump’s (and our) massive win will be answered by the left and the Neocons.

      2. Heck, even Harris didn’t think your gun-control “strong gun safety laws” was worth anything other than pandering for votes during her campaign. Every one of her past endeavors for your gun control “strong gun safety laws” was always done to keep her relevant or visible or when she was trying to gain support and popularity to stay in office and she always pandered to the emotional side of the left wing mindset with an anti-gun agenda of confiscation of all guns that she knew you morons would swoon over. But suddenly for the 2024 election its “I support the 2nd amendment” and “no ones going to take your guns” and suddenly “hey look, I own a Glock, I’m like you gun owners” – a semi-auto Glock, one of the very gun types you want to ban with your gun-control “strong gun safety laws”.

        You people are delusional.

  3. Martin Armstrong has been saying for months that his predictive analytics computing system named ‘Socrates’ has been forecasting that the USA will break up by 2032. You can see the seeds of true insurrection as the left mobilizes to sink Trump’s Presidency along with the MAGA movement. From the Pentagon to the precinct, they are organizing a revolution.

    1. He’s wrong. The USA broke up in 2020 when Biden-Harris got elected and started their anacro-tyranny polarization and they been trying to keep it broken up since.

  4. You can’t fix stupid and at this point there’s no need to try. These Harpies and their soy boy husbands have been rendered irrelevant.

  5. David Deplorable

    They can go pound sand, to put it nicely. These same liberal kooks would load us on railcars for refusing the COVID vax. Wear your Trump gear proudly.

    1. Still have weirdos that throw fits if you are not wearing a mask around them up here. I just make eye contact and laugh. That they wear masks while driving is a bit concerning.

      1. Safe,

        Same here. A few folk masked-up at Wegman’s today. They live in fear. That is a harsh way to live.

        I am going to add to my Alex Jones t-shirt collection. He has one now that reads: “The Mainstream Media is the Enemy of the People”.

    1. No can do. They’re going abstinent to protest the Trump victories. You think they were annoying before…

      I wonder if it’ll last long enough to cause abortion #s to drop.

  6. The comment section of the Kos article is entertaining but also a bit scary. The demokommies are unhinged. The ones calling for CW3 are particularly unhinged. They don’t realize that we are the ones armed. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

  7. I went over to the Kos article and looked at the comments.. Its like a whole comment section of Miner49er (from TTAG) withering twisted up self absorbed insecure clone children – full of deliberate no-context-false-claims, inaccuracies, lies, insecurity, infant-level-understanding, myths, misinformation, disinformation, left-wing-liberal lunacy, and plain old BS trolling their selves while imploding.

    1. I had forgotten about that site. It’s a good place to take the dem temperature. Now angry feminists are threatening not to get pregnant. Uh, okay. Winning!

      1. Judging from how some of those left-wing liberal women looked and acted in their in their mental illness videos on tiktok and other places and their mentally ill break down rants on line, in response to Trump being elected, only an idiot would want them. But hey, I’m all for these morons not reproducing, so win win.

  8. Let the Fear-Mongering on Guns Begin.

    h ttps://

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