Since a 20-year-old white man and registered Republican tried to assassinate Trump with an AR-style rifle, Trump has been eager to talk about bullets. He referenced the bullets that nearly killed him 11 times in his speech at the Republican National Convention, almost as often as he used the word “invasion” to describe immigrants. He talked about bullets again a day later in Michigan, saying: “I took a bullet for democracy.” He repeatedly mentioned bullets at his July 31 rally in Pennsylvania.
So let’s talk about bullets. In the wake of his assassination attempt, Trump now falls into the same category as many of the immigrants he’s been scapegoating: survivors of underregulated guns.
An iron river of U.S. firearms has flowed south for decades, causing unprecedented levels of bloodshed across Latin America in defiance of the region’s strict gun laws. In Mexico, which has just one gun store and requires months of background checks, about 70 percent of weapons found at crime scenes have been traced to the U.S., for example. More than half a million U.S. guns are trafficked into Mexico annually, according to that country’s estimates. The Mexican government is even suing U.S. gun manufacturers for $10 billion, accusing them of knowingly flooding the country with weapons. Although undocumented immigrants come from an increasing array of nations, the majority still come from Latin America, with the largest number of immigrants coming from Mexico, followed by Venezuela.
We can’t have border control without gun control. If Harris and every major Democrat beat the drum about this as often as the Republican Party spews hate against immigrants, Trump could lose arguably his most potent ammunition.
— Jean Guerrero in Kamala Harris Should Reframe Immigration as a Gun Control Issue
The only reframing Kamala Harris needs is the framing of the picture of her arrest mug shot.
“An iron river of U.S. firearms has flowed south for decades”
An iron river? Really? Is that like the ‘rivers of blood in the streets if there is constitutional carry” the anti-gun keep harping on and never happened?
Guns flowed south into Mexico for ‘decades’ because the Mexican government was/is corrupt and has actually armed the cartels with weapons the government ordered or allowed them to pass across the border and the U.S. Government allowed it to happen or actively did it. Had they been doing their job, like actually prosecuting and locking up criminals instead of spending 99% of their time trying to be all fancy with ‘creative sting operations’, giving excuses, blaming everything expect their own incompetence, and ‘budget money’ grabbing maybe something would have been done. Next, guns used to commit crimes exist because we have a very large mental health crisis, and criminal problem, in this country that Kamala and Biden and democrat politicians coddle and nurture and facilitate by their encouraging ‘woke’ and their ‘policies’.
We don’t need ‘gun control’, the same criminals types would ignore it so it would only affect law abiding citizens who don’t commit the crimes. What we need it crime control, crazy control, Kamala and Biden types and ‘progressive’ democrat politicians control, and control over our government.
Now this idiot ignores the very obvious fact in plain view… in the pic…had he not been in the country illegally to begin with, he did not do that toi the deputy because he could get a gun – he did it because hes a criminal that would have tried to kill even without a gun because that’s what criminal murders do and Biden’s and Kamala’s handing (more correctly ‘not handling’) of the border crisis let him in by basically inviting him in with an open border because they are trying to change the voting demographic in favor of the democrats.
And now this idiot Jean Guerrero in this stupid missive …ahhh the wonders of willfully blind left wing idiots.
Honorable Mr Booger, Reminds I need to blow my nose!
Thank you for your daily “right on” comments. Without fail your expertly written comments are precise and straight to the point.
How many has the drug river flowing south to north killed?
That iron river is flowing fast and furious.