Democrats Begin Their New More Masculine Era By Electing David Hogg DNC Vice Chair

Starting out in the gun control industry has proved to be a springboard for a number of civilian disarmament advocates over the years. Take, for instance, CNN’s Jake Tapper who, after flacking for Hooters (yes, Hooters), worked for Handgun Control, Incorporated., the gun-grabbing operation that is known today (after about 14 re-brandings) as Brady United.

The latest to parlay a gig advocating for limiting gun rights into a more prominent role is David Hogg. David’s done well for himself. After waving his tiny fist in front of an Astroturfed anti-gun post Parkland gun control rally, the middling Marjorie Stoneman Douglass High School student was gifted a four-year education by the Harvard Corporation, where he allegedly joined the school’s shooting club.

After a spectacularly failed attempt to run an actual business — a “progressive” pillow company — and establishing a lucrative grift operation for himself via a non-profit, it seems that gun control’s Dylan Mulvaney has now, once again, landed on his feet.

Last night, the Democratic National Committee elected Hogg its vice chairman. It seems the party of gun control wanted a younger, more masculine voice to put its message out there. And who has his finger on the pulse of America’s young voters more than a Gen Z-er like David.

In his view, there is not one reason why so many young people defected from the Democratic Party — there are many. Members of Gen Z “do not have the privilege of being single-issue voters,” Hogg says. “We had to grow up worrying about dying in a school shooting today, or dying of climate change tomorrow, and then being crushed by student debt and the housing crisis in between… and I think on the issue of Gaza in particular, it was emblematic of the fact that people felt like we were not listening to them — that we didn’t care.”

Little David gave a brief, but triumphant acceptance speech last night after his election.

So get ready, America. With the ascendance of David Hogg and Minnesota’s Ken Martin as DNC chairman, the new, more masculine Democrat party is marshaling its forces and getting ready to take the fight to those who thought Joe Biden — and his war on guns — really wasn’t such a great idea.

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23 thoughts on “Democrats Begin Their New More Masculine Era By Electing David Hogg DNC Vice Chair”

  1. This is rich. Once again, the Dems go for shallow perceived optics over any actual competence or experience.

    Hogg has no financial, fundraising, campaign organization, legal, political, strategic, or tactical experience or expertise. (Heck, he apparently has never had a real job of any kind.) Nor does he have the extensive and longstanding network of political and fundraising contacts that would allow him to call in favors (or credibly threaten retribution). Nor is he any sort of serious liberal political scholar or deep thinker (a-la Rudy Texiera).

    He’s just a self-promoting narcissist, whose signature issue is one that has gotten markedly less popular with the American public during his time supporting it. Other than the knee-jerk changes in Florida law immediately after the shooting (which were not due to anything he did), has he ever been able to move the needle on his pet issue anywhere?

    And does anyone think he will stand up to the grievance mongers / Hamasniks / Squaddies that have gotten the party into the hole it now finds itself in? (They will demand that he dance to their tune, and he will comply.)

    Watch how fiscally mismanaged anything Hogg touches will be. The grifters in the DNC are going to clean him out in short order (assuming he’s even able to raise enough for them to steal).

    But this is who the Dems want to help lead them back from one of the biggest political defeats / realignments since the election of Andrew Jackson. Trump’s organization will run rings around him.

    This is going to be fun to watch.

    1. Hogg’s election brings to mind General Schwartzkopf’s famous snarky answer to a press question about whether Saddam Hussein was the great military strategist everyone (in the media) were saying he was (after Schwarzkopf had just led the utter and complete destruction of the Iraqi army in under four days):

      “As far as Saddam Hussein being a great military strategist, he is neither a strategist, nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general, nor is he a soldier.”

      “Other than that, he’s a great military man. I want you to know that.”

    2. Lurking Observer

      I think you’re mistaken. Hogg isn’t FIGHTING the grift. He IS the grift.

      Similarly, he’s not FIGHTING the Hamasniks, he’s SYMPATHETIC to the Hamasniks.

      The Dem party is going to be openly fleeced by the likes of Hogg, for NO gain, for all the reasons you lay out.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      We still have worries, it’s just that the pressure is off for a little while until they wake up… 🙁

  2. Or….the DNC threw visible DEI out and elected two confused-T-Level white guys one of which is still in the ‘closet’ and the other probably familiar with the use of knee pads on occasion. Anddddd …. there’s Hogg giving his ‘heil hitler’ salute.

    But the telling thing is Hogg – be was backed by prancing ‘Tampon’ Tim ‘valor thief’ ‘gonna be VP, I am I am, cause I’m even more incompetent than Kamala’ Waltz who is a self-proclaimed marx -ist social -ist.

  3. Ok, now the subscript ‘out of the closet’ title of the Democrat Party is ‘Democrat Socialist Gun Control Party’.

  4. How hilarious the party that pushed for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion elect 2 white guys to lead their party. Seems the previous black guy Jaime Harrison couldn’t get the job done and they chose Hogg boy over a black women Joyce Beatty.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “How hilarious the party that pushed for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion elect 2 white guys to lead their party.”

      That’s a very good point, and we should brutally push it.

      “Two honkeys are your idea of DEI?

  5. David Hogg won on the strength of a January 10th endorsement by noted Democratic gun safety expert Tim “Pheasant Killer” Walz.

  6. Great news! It’s also interesting that the new DNC chair was NOT backed by the party elites. He’s still just as out of touch as the rest of them. He asked if Dems will be for the “robber baron, the ultra-wealthy billionaire, the oil and gas polluter, the union buster. Or are we on the side of the American working family…” Hey DNC, the American working family is sick and tired of YOU GUYS extracting wealth from us and our country! As people are finally trying to get a handle on that situation, you’re screeching like it’s the end of the world. Democrats live in an alternate reality.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “He asked if Dems will be for the “robber baron, the ultra-wealthy billionaire, the oil and gas polluter, the union buster. Or are we on the side of the American working family…”

      The good news for us is, middle America is who owns all the guns, and he knows NOTHING about that market.

      Culturally, we have some serious good news, insult comedy is officially back in business, listen to the audience reaction to SNL’s ‘Weekend Update”, where the two hosts each read jokes the other has written for them, it is BRUTAL comedy :

      h ttps://

        1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

          I just know I’ll never look at another Arby’s half-pound roast beef sandwich the same way again, if I hold it up sideways. 😉

          Hopefully, I’s an indication the age of “I’m offended by everyone and everything” is coming to an end?

  7. The New DNC Chair Is Bad Enough, But the New Vice Chair Is Far, Far Worse.


    As Matt Margolis noted, Hogg is ‘that kid who earned notoriety after the Parkland school shooting back in 2018, whose 15 minutes of fame expired years ago,’ but who ‘just won’t go away.’ Ever since the shooting, Hogg has become a vocal and energetic advocate for disarming Americans in the face of rising crime and Democrat mayors who care little or nothing for the safety and well-being of their constituents. But Hogg isn’t content simply with leaving Americans defenseless in an increasingly dangerous environment.

    Fox News reported Sunday that Hogg has also said: ‘Defund the police not USPS,’ as well as ‘Abolish ICE.’ So in David Hogg’s perfect America, ordinary citizens wouldn’t have guns, the police would be defunded and perhaps nonexistent, and there would be no border security at all. David Hogg has also said: ‘The NRA needs to be designated a terrorist organization for the role their supporters played in staging an insurrectionist coup.’


    h ttps://

  8. New York Times Shock Poll Reveals the Complete Collapse of Democratic Party.

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    1. And the DNC just elected someone who is still yelling to defund the police like it’s 2020. Even senile Joe was smart enough to avoid that disaster at the height of the defund popularity in 2020.

    1. In truth the dems are the party of the rich white people. They have a few tokens on the plantation but mostly it’s older, wealthier whites running things. bernie sanders is a multi millionaire who claims to be a socialist. How can you be wealthy and be a socialist?

      Billionaires bought out the left years ago. And then converted it to fascism.

      1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

        I’m not gonna stop my mortal enemy from continuing to make mistakes, are you? 😉

  9. DNC Chair Candidate Reveals Massive Donations from George Soros, Reid Hoffman on Eve of Vote.

    h ttps://

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