.@davidhogg111: Congress must enact new laws to ensure “there are no school shootings anymore” pic.twitter.com/MOCMGRViVL
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 17, 2024
David Hogg wants a leadership position in the Democrat party to enact more laws to make illegal acts even more illegal-er than they are now.
Part of the reason that I’m running to be vice chair is that I want a party that acts with courage to address the issue of gun violence non in a , you know, not in a small symbolic way, not in just an ‘oh, that’s a tiny law’ way, but a way that actually makes sure that there isn’t, you know half the number of school shootings, but that there are no school shootings anymore.
And I can tell you right now for a fact, if Democrats had 60 votes in the Senate, we’re still not going to get major gun control passed. Because I know our party and the politics within it are gonna say, ‘Well this is too controversial for us to pass because of these states that it took for us to get to 60 votes.’
I want to help build a Democratic party, not one that I’m just calling out publicly, but one that I’m actively working trying to to fix on the inside to make sure that what happened to my classmates is never happening again. And our party is one of the best ways of doing that, but we have to be bolder. We have to go further on the issue of gun violence and not just address how does somebody get a gun like the AR-15, but address the hatred that drives many of these school shootings. Address the poverty that drives so much gun violence, and the desperation that drives gun suicides.
We have to address this from the top up and the bottom down.
— David Hogg
Like most wannabe gun grabbing socialists, Hogg is missing the point on purpose to purpose more tyrannical laws to ban firearms on the behest of school shootings. If you want to cut down shootings of that nature, a deterrent has to be established. That deterrent is having well trained and educated personnel in firearms to be the deterrent. Trying to ban firearms is dangerous to all of citizens losing freedoms.
was never relevant.
Hogg boy continues to demonstrate that he is a legend in his own mind.
He’s missed the window to gain from his unwarranted notoriety and really should be focusing on earning a wage and living his life instead of trying to cobble together some fake career through politics.
He’s beating a long dead horse most people just want to go away.
Nah, let’s hope he wins his election. I’m sure his analytic and managerial skills would so improve the DNC’s performance.
Possibly the only thing that would get me to watch the network news with enjoyment.
I hope he gets elected to the position. It only proves the democrats have learned nothing from the Nov 5th revolution and will continue down the road of irrelevance for years to come.
Hogg is one of those types that claims a ‘notoriety’ that isn’t his.
He was in a closet with some other kids that day during the lock down. The shooter was elsewhere in the school grounds, no where near Hogg and he was never in any direct danger. According to those in the closet with him he was more interested in making video of them in the closet and mentioned selling his story.
But when Hogg talks of it he calls himself a ‘survivor’ and ‘victim’. The relationship of Hogg to the shooter was like you being in the grocery store while the tire shop across the street gets robbed and employees shot – you were not in any danger of being shot by that robber so ya really can’t call your self a ‘survivor’ or ‘victim’ of a ‘mass shooting’ can ya.
Then Hogg speaks of the ‘trauma’ he got due to being this ‘survivor’ and ‘victim’ of a ‘school shooting’. Yet some way or another this ‘trauma’ did not keep him from, that same day after it was over, contacting the media offering them a chance to buy his ‘inside story’ and then going back to the school that evening to meet them.
This ‘trauma’ also didn’t keep him from demanding payment from Giffords to be their gun-control ‘poster boy’ and demanding payment for public speaking engagements. But when Giffords stopped paying Hogg, ya notice for a while he went pretty quiet and struggled for relevance with occasional words here and there then started a pillow company and made a few million in personal gain from it then resigned. Now hes back, trying to get into the democrat party nest where the high dollar marx -ist gather and spouting off about the only thing he knows brings him any relevance which is gun-control focused like it has been.
He only pokes his head out to push his ‘story’ and gun-control trash, when there is money involved.
There’s a term for people like Hogg, its ‘con man’
David Hogg? Never heard of her
“I want to help build a Democratic party,…”
Bad news for him, the Democrat party he needs to build is solidly middle-class, and the middle class loves their AR-15s and Glocks with standard-capacity large magazines.
They are well and truly fucked. When that reality sinks in, they are gonna need constant psychiatric care and heavy medication…
*Snicker* 😉
David Hogg is a cognitively challenged imbecilic piece of feces who should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for his treasonous activities against America and the Constitution.