It can’t be easy running the Kamala Harris campaign. What do you talk about in terms of her “achievements?” The border? Foreign policy? The economy? She took an entirely holistic approach last night to trying to explain what it is she’s thinks she’s planning to do if elected, but that didn’t go very well. At all.
So in an effort to give her something to talk about in the last weeks of the campaign, the White House announced today that the desiccated old husk who’s still propped up behind the Resolute Desk will sign executive orders today aimed at something they’re calling “emerging firearm threats.”
The stenographers at The Hill describe this dog and pony show thusly . . .
The president and Vice President Harris will both give remarks on the new orders, which will be their first joint event on gun violence prevention since Biden asked Harris to oversee the newly-formed Office of Gun Violence Prevention a year ago.
In other words, much like her Border Czar assignment, Harris has been the Gun Control Czar for the last year. Betcha didn’t know that. Now that her position in the polls is behind both Biden’s in 2020 and Hillary Clinton’s in 2016, it’s time to gin something up. Apparently, they’ve settled on “gun violence” as a winning issue.
The first part of the order will focus on emerging firearm threats, including machine gun conversion devices, which turn a pistol into a semi-automatic firearm. Such devices are illegal but law enforcement have found at crime scenes.
These conversion devices — better known as “GLOCK switches” and auto sears — are, of course, already illegal to make, possess, or use and have been for decades. Jane and Joe Sixpack, however, don’t know that so it’s ripe for some demagoguing.
The other threats are guns without serial numbers that are 3D printed, which sometimes are even undetectable by metal detectors.
Once again, the gun-ignorant scribes at The Hill make it clear to everyone that they know literally nothing about firearms by happily regurgitating that bogus “undetectable gun” scare line. That gets red-shirted wine moms everywhere trembling as they pour themselves another glass.
Here’s the disinformation the White House is serving up to credulous media hacks . . .
Some 3D-printed firearms can be made to be undetectable by magnetometers used to secure airports, courthouses, and event spaces, even though these undetectable firearms are illegal to make, sell, or possess under federal law. As 3D-printing technology continues to develop rapidly, the safety threat posed by 3D-printed firearms may suddenly increase.
It’s a shame White House press releases can’t be community-noted like tweets at X.
But this is the part that betrays what’s really going on here.
The order will establish an emerging firearm threats taskforce, which will be directed to issue a report within 90 days that includes an assessment of the threats of these guns, the federal agencies’ operational and legal capacities to detect and seize them, an inter-agency plan for combatting them, and what funding the administration needs from Congress to crack down on them.
In government, if you want to look like you’re doing something without actually doing anything, create a committee or a “task force.” The “firearm threats taskforce” is schedule to issue its report safely after the November election, at the end of the year when it will can be buried and forgotten.
As one well-informed industry watcher we talked to described this non-effort to appear to actually be doing something, the Biden-Harris administration is purposefully conflating activity with action to generate news cycle activity today and create a campaign talking point she can call on for the next five weeks.
There’s more included in today’s announcement, but we won’t bore you with the details. Read them here if you have the time and the inclination. We certainly don’t.
Hmmmm….all the language above is about identifying and combating gun threats. But who owns the guns? And, Presto-Chango, just like that, the gun owners will become the identified threats.
Hate to break it to you LifeSavor. We are already their identified threats, as well as already being on their lists.
Whats to worry. Considering her success rate as the head of the Gun Violence Task force to reduce gun violence. This is nothing more than placating to their acolytes that constantly scream ‘Do Something”.
What I suspect we’ll see come out of this “task force”:
A declaration that because it is so easy to 3d print and then install illegal Glock switches, Glock platform handguns are actually MG’s because they can be “readily converted” to MG’s. And since the Hughes Amendment does not allow any reopening of the registry, like they tried to do with bump stocks they become immediately illegal (no grandfathering of existing weapons).
Of course, the same logic will apply to most AR’s (drop in auto sears or Lightning Links turn them into MG’s are similarly easy to make — to be clear, 1000% illegal to make / possess unless you are LE/mil/SOT, or they are pre-’86, on the registry, with a tax stamp).
Given the results of Cargill and the likely result in VanDerStok, it shouldn’t survive the inevitable test case, but this is where they are going: attempt to ban lots of stuff by EO + regs.
President Bill Clinton established the exact same program when he was President to make schools safer. The US Secret Service was given the task of heading it up and establishing policy, implementation and execution. So how did that work out for us? Did that executive order make us all safer? We will NEVER eliminate murder. It’s been around a long time ( See Genesis- Cain vs. Abel). Politicians doing press releases are worse than useless as they give a false sense of security and progress. You want to stop gun violence?- make the punishment so severe that people think twice about using a gun to commit a crime. Use a gun in a crime with no violence- automatically adds 25 years to the sentence of the original crime- no parole no probation. 100% of sentence must be served. Use a gun in a crime of violence- mandatory life in prison. No exceptions. Kill, wound, injure a person with a firearm- mandatory death penalty that must be carried out within 12 months of the crime. Implementing that would bring about a dramatic end to gun violence. Unfortunately we coddle criminals today, we don’t punish them because it’s easier to just punish the law abiding citizens than address the problems