German authorities said they received tipoffs last year about the suspect in a car attack at a Christmas market in Magdeburg as more details emerged on Sunday about the five people killed.
— CBS Austin (@cbsaustin) December 23, 2024
The terror attack in a Magdeburg, Germany public market killing five people and injuring 200 more proved once again that restrictive gun control hardly guarantees public safety against determined acts of murder and mayhem anywhere in the world, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.
CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said the holiday season attack was reminiscent of the murderous outrage in July 2016 against people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France. There, 86 people were killed and many more injured by a madman driving a stolen freight truck through a crowd. Add to that the 2021 rampage in Waukesha, Wisconsin when a deranged career criminal drove an SUV into a crowd watching a Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring 62 others, he recalled.
“Time and again we have warned that restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens is a bogus solution to violent crime, whether on a mass scale or an individual act,” Gottlieb observed. “Disarming honest, peaceable people only creates the dangerous illusion that something has been done to protect the public, and the gun prohibition lobby knows it. Their interest has never been reducing crime, but only discouraging and reducing private gun ownership.
“In recent days,” he continued, “we’ve also seen news reports about fatal stabbings in Azusa, California, Miami, Florida and Seattle, Washington. A few days ago, a woman in New Jersey was allegedly bludgeoned to death. In Philadelphia, a woman was strangled over the weekend. A woman on a New York subway was set on fire and burned to death, allegedly by an illegal alien who was once deported during the Trump administration.
“I call attention to these crimes,” Gottlieb explained, “because they illustrate how individuals are responsible for criminal violence, not the tool they use. Whether people use guns, knives, blunt objects, vehicles, cigarette lighters or bare hands, it is the perpetrator who is ultimately responsible for their evil acts, and shifting blame to the weapon neither solves the problem nor prevents another, similar crime from happening an hour, day or month later. We don’t try to restrict ownership of motor vehicles, knives, hammers, baseball bats, lighters or any other object which can be used as a weapon. Only firearms, which are constitutionally protected.
“Restricting the right to keep and bear arms, which is protected by the federal and state constitutions is a flimsy sham that is wearing thinner by the day,” he concluded, “and incidents like those in Magdeburg, Waukesha, Nice, Miami, Philadelphia, New York and Seattle only prove that point.”
The person who did this is a atheist. A self-described one.
The ultimate goal of the Left is to ban private automobile ownership.
“The person who did this is a atheist. A self-described one. ”
He may have *said* he was atheist, something tells me he might have been a follower of Islam…
Timothy Mcveigh was an atheist too. And there have been others that have committed mass murder in the United States.
Atheists and Muslims do agree on one thing. They hate Christians and they hate Christian Observances, like christmas displays.
Yes an illegal alien did set a total stranger on fire. And stayed to watch them burn alive. Until she stopped screaming. That and many other crimes committed by illegal aliens, are a very small price to pay.
According to the white libertarians liberals and the leftists. They need a new class of slave workers. It seems the dark skin people who have lived in America for centuries, they don’t want to be anyone’s slave.
So the three L’s are happy to import hundreds of thousands of people, who are illiterate in their own language of Spanish. And have no provable job skills.
Why would the smartest white people in the room want that???
See the triggeromentry YT channel for the video, on the new slaves class coming to the west.
The real reason for allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country had to do with the 2020 census and liberal progressive democrat states maintaining their number of Representatives in the House and receiving Federal tax dollars since they are administered based on population and the census doesn’t require that those counted be United states citizens. Democrat states like Commiefornia, Illinois, Oregon Pennsylvania and New York have been hemorrhaging people in record numbers and without the influx of illegals they risked loosing tax dollars as well as seats in the House.
“The real reason for allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country had to do with the 2020 census and liberal progressive democrat states maintaining their number of Representatives in the House and receiving Federal tax dollars…”
It’s backfiring on them already in two distinct ways –
Conservatives are moving out, and the illegals are now voting Republican.
So far, they are set to lose 10 congressional districts real soon, and we will gain 10, giving us a total of 20 House seats, without having to do a damn thing…
This a statement that we have been trying to get across to the moronic liberals for decades. They try to blame the innocent gun owners who have not committed any crimes, then arrest a criminal and turn them loose back. Into society with no bail or punishment.
Thank you Mr. Gottlieb for trying to put a common sense look on a ridiculous approach by brain dead liberals.
Good viewpoint
Pull your head out of your &$$! Let’s ban each and everything that has hurt someone! Ice cycles, wet floors, low tree branches, tinker toys, sharp metal lids… Do you get my? If you’re going to ban everything that’s dangerous… hey, here’s one, how about banning things like wars, nuclear weapons, the military in every country, and so on. When you honestly look at both lists, which is the better one?
And why haven’t we banned herpes yet?
I agree with the writer about restricting tools for self defence to the public.
Violent type people are always present in any society. That argument has
always been a reality in truth.
Consider history where Kings built castles to protect themselves. It was
not to protect themselves from foreign invaders generally but to protect
themselves from the general population because of their stealing from
the people by taxation, theft and dictatorship of their decrees. Rulers will
always find an excuse to disarm the public for their own safety. The public
want police, to be peace officers, protecting their rights and not to be
Gestapo-like agents for the ruling class. That is why their immunity should
be restricted by their lawful acts only. Does anyone ever consider the
difference between “Legal and Lawful”? Consider reading and believing
your King James Holy Bible! [Mark 6;18} — Steve