“My message to you all is to be vigilant here,” [Rep. Wesley] Hunt said, noting assault-style rifles are responsible for a small fraction of U.S. homicides. “They cannot go after our AR-15s. The second we allow them to infringe on that, we are letting the fox in the henhouse.”
The attempt on Trump’s life was a stunning moment in American history and in this year’s presidential race. Images of the former president — hand reaching for his bloodied ear, being tackled by security, and then resurging with a victorious fist in the air — shocked the nation and have electrified his already-passionate base of supporters in Milwaukee this week for the Republican National Convention.
Speaking at an event near the convention on Tuesday morning, gun advocates and a top Trump surrogate showed no sign of changing their tune on gun rights. In fact they doubled-down on the idea that more guns can prevent similar tragedies.
“The insinuation that we’re going to just eradicate this country of guns is a ridiculous one. So you better arm yourself accordingly,” Hunt said.
Chris LaCivita, one of Trump’s top campaign advisers, said at the same event that the former president would continue to push for gun rights despite the shooting. He cast Crooks as a rogue actor, saying “99.9%” of gun owners are “very responsible.”
“There are so many different things you can do to curb, you know, problem individuals, as opposed to trying to ban what has clearly been defined by the Constitution as a right,” LaCivita said.
Republicans in Congress have defeated multiple legislative pushes for gun control, including in the wake of high-profile mass shootings that killed young schoolchildren, and consistently have fought to preserve Americans’ access to firearms.
That includes the rifle that landed in Crooks’ hands. In a call with reporters Sunday afternoon, FBI officials said Crooks appears to have acted as a lone wolf, using a firearm that authorities have said was purchased legally by his father.
Instead gun-rights advocates have framed the issue as a matter of personal responsibility. A moderator at Tuesday’s event asked LaCivita what lessons he teaches his children regarding firearm safety and constitutional rights.
“I just taught him at a very young age: have respect for a firearm,” he said of his son.
“I kept my stuff locked up, except for the one next to my bed,” he continued. “But, it’s obviously the duty for any law-abiding citizen who wants to exercise their right, to exercise their right responsibly.” …
“We saw one of the most protected men on the planet attacked – almost murdered. Everyday Americans don’t have private security around them. It’s up to them to protect themselves,” said Katie Pointer Baney, who works on government affairs for the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.
—Laura Gersony in ‘Arm Yourself Accordingly’: What the GOP Is Saying About Gun Control After Trump Shooting
In reference to the notion of calling for police to intervene on your behalf when a violent attacker comes calling, many of us have heard the clever saying, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” (Note: many recent violent attacks have shown that police can even be an hour or more from responding.)
The recent attempt on Trump’s life amplifies that saying to a whole new level. Maybe we can offer an alternative to that saying, something along the lines of, “When police secure a perimeter, a successful attacker is just beyond that perimeter.”
Anyhow, the fact is simple: any time you outsource something to someone else, that someone else often fails in spectacular fashion. Outsource your own personal security at your peril. Or, be responsible for yourself and provide your own security.
I have a few officers I consider friends and even colleagues in some aspects yet I also know that I can’t rely on them to be there when a SHTF situation arises. For the most part they’ll only be needed to do the after action paperwork and they know that too. You are always your and your loved ones First Responder.
Most americans have never ever interacted with a police officer. They are law abiding. They have never been robbed. Most have never even had the opportunity to even say hello to a policeman.
So we think very little about even needing a weapon for self protection.
But the Libertarians Liberals and the Leftists want what you have. They want your “stuff.” And if not your stuff they want to take away your conservative world.
And they will support the use of government force to do it.
They one and only thing that stops them, is the fact, that you have more firepower than they do.
A 22lr is better than nothing. But you having a military grade long gun terrifies them. And it stops them from doing, what they really want to do, to you. And your family.
Yep. And they’re going to tell the people that want your stuff that you’re the reason they don’t have things. So the Left will intentionally use their army of malcontents to harm you. That’s how commie_ism* works.
*not taking chances with the filter system here. I can’t test it because I can’t edit comments.
And stay frosty?
Does the congressman know Mr. Haz? 😉
I agree! When you call 9-1-1 the Police are only either miles or minutes away.
I support our Law Enfircement, but it is up to you to be your own First Responder!