Gun rights candidates often falsely exaggerate their opponent’s position, claiming they want to confiscate weapons from law-abiding citizens. Mark R. Joslyn, professor of political science at the University of Kansas, says this is one of the reasons why gun owners generally vote more reliably than non-gun owners.
In a speech at a National Rifle Association convention on May 18, former President Donald Trump employed that very tactic, deceptively stoking fears that if President Joe Biden is reelected, the government will be “coming for your guns.” Biden has advocated a ban on so-called assault weapons, but he has not proposed confiscating ones currently owned. Trump followed it up by claiming that gun owners don’t vote as often as non-gun owners. That’s wrong.
In his 2020 book, “The Gun Gap: The influence of gun ownership on political behavior and attitudes,” Joslyn analyzed two public databases that have tracked American attitudes for decades to conclude that gun owners are more likely to vote compared with non-owners, that the gap is widening, and that the more guns one owns the more likely one is to vote.
That runs directly counter to Trump’s narrative at the NRA convention.
Later in the speech, Trump reiterated the point: “And remember what I told you is so true. The gun owners don’t vote. It’s so crazy. They should be … I would think that they would vote more than any other group of people. And it’s just the opposite. They don’t vote. And they have to get out and vote.” …
“In summary, results show that gun ownership is a significant predictor” of whether someone votes, Joslyn wrote. “It survives a multivariate test that includes strong correlates of political participation.”
— The Paradise in Trump’s Wrong: Gun Owners More Likely to Vote
lol. Of all the things to “fact check” somebody on.
Fucking nerds running in dressed in cape shit costume to shout “Aaaakshoealllyyy…….”
Maybe they should go back to complaining how his rally in the Bronx was “just to get votes” because well, shit, isn’t that what all the politicians are doing? That’s the whole point, right? Lie, promise, misrepresent, pander, whatever it takes. All for the votes.
Since the Bronx is Democrat country, the Puppet should hold his own rally there so the country can compare it to the orangelo fascist’s rally.
“In a speech at a National Rifle Association convention on May 18, former President Donald Trump employed that very tactic, deceptively stoking fears that if President Joe Biden is reelected, the government will be “coming for your guns.” Biden has advocated a ban on so-called assault weapons, but he has not proposed confiscating ones currently owned.”
1. Trump did say “coming for your guns”. This was not deceptive, it is a fact.
2. It is true that Biden is “coming for your guns” – he has said as much. In his campaign in 2019 he was interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Cooper made the comment “So to gun owners out there who say, ‘Well, a Biden administration means they will come for my guns,’” to which Biden responded “Bingo,” he responded to Cooper. “You’re right, if you have an assault weapon.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liBzZmPcnsk)
3. Biden in his speeches and actions about ‘gun control’ and ‘gun violence’, his rule by fiat by ‘executive order’ has purposely bypassed congress to have the ATF create unconstitutional defacto law to apply to all guns as a means to ‘remove’ guns available to American citizens. Biden even tried to have the ‘community care taking’ exception to the 4th Amendment validated as a means to ‘confiscate’ guns when he had the DOJ intervene in the Caniglia v. Strom case at SCOTUS (and SCOTUS saw through this attempt). (and many other things Biden has done, a longgggg list, in coming for your guns.)
4. (in relation to Biden) “but he has not proposed confiscating ones currently owned.” – that’s false – see #2 an #3 above. Biden has indeed ‘proposed’ (and actively pursued) “confiscating ones currently owned” (and “coming for your guns”) in both word and deed.
It is a fact that Biden is “coming for your guns”. Trump was telling the truth.
In addition to the above … we have ample illustrations throughout history that confiscation of personal arms (firearms, knives, whatever) is along the path towards very bad situations.
Pure gaslighting. They ARE coming for our guns, because, like all communists, they want to seize our property, imprison us, and, ultimately, murder us.
As I recall there is this guy in Texas who said,
“Hell yes, we will confiscate your AR15 and AK 47.”
Now who was that guy???
That was (then in 2019) Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, not Biden.
And there was this woman who said something about,
“Mr and Mrs America turn them all in.”
Now who was that woman, from way way back in time???
That was Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein in a statement in 1995 during an episode of “60 Minutes.”
More correctly the statement is: “‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn em all in” – it was part of an overall statement that was “If I could have gotten 51 votes for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn em all in,’ I would have done it,”.
Her office claimed she was talking about so-called ‘assault weapons’ but the bill she wanted to pass was so worded that it could have been exploited so the government could simply classify any gun or type of gun as an ‘assault weapon’ eventually.
Her office also claimed the ‘picking up every one of them’ part was not about ‘confiscation’ but rather picking up the ones turned in by “Mr. and Mrs. America”. Her office gave a BS answer as to what ‘confiscation’ meant and said that “ ‘Confiscation’ requires affirmative government possession, which she has never proposed,” – first, it implies that for the government to ‘confiscate’ they would first need ‘affirmative government possession’ and that’s a lie because the government can declare and enact a ‘confiscation’ before they have ‘affirmative government possession’, or in other words her office response was pure BS and a lie because she had ‘proposed’ such ‘confiscation’ by trying to pass her bill because if ‘firearms’ were banned they would have been subject to government ‘confiscation’.