One of the first guns I ran into at the SHOT Show Industry Day at the Range was the GOAT-15, a micro AR-15 chambered in .22LR. It looks like a youth rifle, and it would be a good one, but Mountain Billy Gun Labs (MBGL) is encouraging its use as a survival rifle, truck or ATV gun, camp rifle, or just fun plinker.
There isn’t much info about it on their website yet but it’s basically a tiny AR that operates pretty much like its big brothers. It has a free float rail, threaded barrel and Picatinny flattop for optics mounting. Weight is only about 2.5 pounds, so crazy light for a rifle. It has a secondary safety on teh right side of the lower that you can engage if you want to so that the regular safety doesn’t get bumped off if you have it stuffed through your pack straps or some other similar storage method.
I did find a press release though with some further details:
GOAT-15 Specifications:
Size: 27 7/8 Collapsed / 30 7/8 Extended
Weight: Approx 2lbs
Safety: Patented Tamper Resistant
Lower: Polymer
Upper: Polymer
Trigger: Mini Mil-Spec
Barrel: 16”
Sight: No Sight Included / Red Dot Recommended
Magazine: 1rd, 5rd, 10rd, ships with 1 and 5 rd mags
Shooting the GOAT-15 is, well, just fun. It weighs nothing, but still has no recoil being a .22. It’s accurate to shoot and reliable. I didn’t have any malfunctions and didn’t see anyone else shooting it have any either. It is small, so you need to choke up on it, but it’s doable even for a kind of regular sized 5’11” male.
The smaller you get the more you probably appreciate the GOAT. If I even need to arm and army of Hobbit’s the GOAT-15 would be my go to rifle. I need to track MBGL down at the show this week and get some more details on the GOAT-15. They also mentioned a mini .22 AK, the LR-47, that they were still working on that they’d have at the booth. I didn’t catch a price yet, but something this charming is kind of priceless. At least that’s what I’ll tell my wife. I’m not entirely sure why I need a GOAT, but I think I do.
Price? Reliable? Spare mags and parts available?
Thanks for any info you have.
I want two