You Still Have Time to Vote and the Results Will Surely Affect Your Gun Rights

We know…you’ve heard it a hundred times. This election is the most important election of our lives. Both parties say the same damned thing in the run-up to every single election at every level every year, from school board to city council to president of the United States.

That being the case, we won’t repeat that well worn claim. But we will tell you that there couldn’t be a clearer difference between the two candidates at the top of the ticket where gun rights are concerned.

And then there’s the matter of the Supreme Court. Justices Thomas, Alito, and Sotomayor are no spring chickens. Whoever wins on Tuesday — or whenever the wrangling over the results is finally concluded — will likely have an opportunity to make a significant and lasting change to the ideological balance of the Court for the next generation or two. That alone should be enough to get you off your ass and to the polls.

It’s not just the top of the ticket that’s important, either. Thirty-four Senate seats will be decided along with all 435 House seats. So whatever you have to do between now and Tuesday, it probably isn’t nearly as important is voting. Get out there and get it done.

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10 thoughts on “You Still Have Time to Vote and the Results Will Surely Affect Your Gun Rights”

  1. I voted already, I hope it matters as we are already seeing anomalies. No Republican nor Democtat has fought to ensure voter integrity. Perhaps, there is a foregone conclusion as i the last election?!

    1. Most Dems can’t either. The truth is, they don’t care. It’s no longer about electing a leader. It’s about electing a machine. They were ready to allow a walking corpse continue to play president until they could no longer maintain the charade. Democrats are lost. The constant tribal propaganda has ruined their brains.

  2. I don’t yet own a gun. But I do know the first and second amendments need eternal vigilance. I have heard that a significant group of evangelicals doesn’t vote. I think that is changing this election.

    I also heard a good to fair amount of gun owners also don’t vote. Do they think it is easier to keep and hide a gun from the gun gestapo (should one arise with a Harris victory and some changes at the Supreme Court) than it is to go out and vote (mail-in ballot or wait in line for a time)?

    By the way, if your ballot is long and confusing you can leave lots of races blank. Just vote for president, US senator and US house of representative (all Republicans). Your ballot still counts if some or many races are left blank.

    1. Young men overwhelmingly favor PDT, but many can’t be bothered to vote.

      Reach out to them! Every vote is essential!

      If we can recapture the White House and the Senate (the odds on the latter is looking VERY solid), Thomas and Scalia will retire and be replaced with justices that will be there for another generation. (Former Thomas clerk and current Fifth Circuit judge James Ho will almost certainly succeed Thomas — and he’s VERY stout — I was on the other side of him on a trial years ago.)

      Like they were for RBG, the actuarial tables are catching up with Sotomayor. If that happened, and PDT could replace her, SCOTUS would be a lock for us for decades.

      On the other hand, if Cackles the Ho takes office, God help us . . . .

      1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

        “If we can recapture the White House and the Senate (the odds on the latter is looking VERY solid), Thomas and Scalia will retire and be replaced with justices that will be there for another generation.”

        That alone should scare any gun owner to vote for Trump…

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