The other day, I saw an Instagram post that stuck with me. It read, “I dream women will one day have the same rights as guns.” Gun control is another issue that I have felt strongly about, longhe P before I was able to vote. The Sandy Hook shooting shook me as a third grader in a neighboring town, and still, no substantial change has occurred in the wake of this horrific event. Over a decade later, mass shootings plague the country, and we have yet to establish common-sense gun reform.
There is an undeniable hypocrisy in seeing “pro-life” Republican politicians completely change their tune when it comes to gun control, even donning AR-15 pins in Congress. It is truly disheartening to see their smug lack of care for the hundreds who die in mass shootings every year. With many Republicans of the same mindset holding the majority in the Senate and likely the House, effective gun control will continue to remain dead on arrival.
Being the optimist that I am, I continue to tell myself that one day when the country is in a better place, we will look back at the results of this election and be completely dumbfounded. To me, it is clear which party is on the right side of history. It’s time to fight like hell to make sure the pen that authors our country’s history doesn’t continue to end up in the wrong hands.
— Ben Leeds in America, Where Guns Have More Rights Than Women
“t is truly disheartening to see their smug lack of care for the hundreds who die in mass shootings every year.”
Where is your show of care for those helpless victims of rape, murder, robbery etc because they had the same mindset as you and did nothing nor had anything or way to protect themselves? POTG care enough to do all they can to protect not only their lives but the lives/well being of others. Whereas people such as you desire for all to be a walking target for what ever the criminal minded want to do. You say POTG don’t care. POTG are trying to do all they can to protect ALL people while you show NO caring or respect for the very people who are trying to do all they can to protect you. If you had read the history of gun control and accepted it, you should have reached a more realistic conclusion and acceptance. You should be ashamed for demoralizing the very people who if given the opportunity would do all they could to protect you and others like you.
Mr Leeds speaks about “guns having more rights that women”.
What a pathetic statement. Guns are inanimate objects.
I would bet that you support abortion for any reason while ignoring the “right” of the unborn to life, liberty and happiness.
You and those like you are quick to spout “it’s my body and my right to as I please”, but you never mention the life inside
the woman’s body.
The female of our species is the avenue by which new life enters the world.
The woman has no right to destroy that life.
You accuse Republicans of being smug while you and those like you are the very definition of SMUG!
Absolutely. It’s all about abortion. There is no right to abortion. It turns out there is no secret passage in the Constitution that gives us the right to kill our unborn children. Thank God we finally have enough serious people on the Supreme Court.
These people are still desperately clinging to the very unscientific idea that a baby in the womb isn’t alive. I can see how they were able to lie about that in 1973, but in 2024? It’s crazy how well that propaganda has worked. They should listen to former abortion doctors talk about the horrors of abortion. “Oh look. There’s a little [chopped off] hand.”
Ben is an idiot with all his emotional appeal ‘I feelz’ conflating BS – and – the lie about “common-sense gun reform” which the democrats have very clearly interpreted for us as ‘gun bans and forced confiscation’ and turning a constitutional right (actually three of them, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th) into a government controlled permission to eventually be done away with.
guns don’t have rights, people have rights. Women are people, they have rights the same as other people male and female.
What if she were to hold a sign saying “I dream women will one day have the same rights as cars.” or how about “I dream women will one day have the same rights as door knobs.”
what an ignorant slogan.
In New Mexico, women would not be allowed on public transportation.
some woman would protest and hold up a sign saying “I dream women will one day have the same rights as busses.”
I do see a problem here.
A woman can cross state lines to get an abortion. But I can’t cross state lines to buy a gun. And in many states I can enter with my gun.
Also I have to pay for guns out of my own pocket. But a woman can use my tax money to pay for her abortions.
What about my rights??
In many states I can’t enter them with my guns.